ccleaner version 5.43.6522 64-Bit crashes on windows server 2008 whenever Run Cleaner is pressed. However, it will fix registry issues.
What antivirus are you running? We see this occuring on PCs with malwarebytes or Kaspersky
Malwarebytes Pro
I am having exactly the same issue; however, I have Windows 10.
hey Razz, long time no see.
in case you are not up on recent events, v5.43 has a few issues and to keep this short, reverting back to a previous version seems to be the quickest fix.
Hi mta Thanks very much for the info.
feel free to try v5.42 and 5.41 but for me, I've stayed on v5.40
they are all available at FileHippo.
Ahh, good 'ole FileHippo. I was searching for a previous versions download source. Thanks again mta. Take care mate.
1 hour ago, mta said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> feel free to try v5.42 and 5.41 but for me, I've stayed on v5.40 </p> <p> they are all available at FileHippo. </p> </div>
I tried v5.42 and had the same issue so I downloaded v5.40 and the issue was resolved. Thanks again for your help!