CCleaner Continuously Cleans Large File in Recycle Bin

Hey guys,

I have the latest version of ccleaner on my pc. Every time I use it, it cleans 312 files out of my Recycle Bin with a combined size of 1,432,426 KB. I have checked numerous times and there is definitely nothing my my Recycle Bin.

This problem has been occurring for several months now, and with past versions of ccleaner as well. Reinstalling the program doesn't fix the issue. Neither does resetting my computer.

Any suggestions?



Have you tried running CCleaner while in Safe mode?

in CC, Options, Advanced, check your settings for the two Only delete files... ...older than 24 hours

or in case of a corrupted recycle bin, try this;

Turns out the recycle bin was corrupted somehow. I did what you suggested and it's working now.

Thanks fellas!