CCleaner Compress Old Files?

Hi I'm new to these forums but I've been using CCleaner for a long time.

Thanks for making this great program!

I have a few questions though:

1. Does CCleaner compress old file (a.k.a Disk Cleanup style on Windows XP)?

2. Does CCleaner come with commands so that I can run the program using 'Task Scheduler' that comes with XP and then have it run set settings?

3. Does CCleaner securly delete the files?

4. Is it possible to ever clear all cach on the computer so that it reads as 0KB?

5. Does CCleaner create backups automatically of critical files?

6. Will CCleaner ever have a mulituser or admin password support?

Hello and welcome to the forums Random 1. :)

1. Does CCleaner compress old file (a.k.a Disk Cleanup style on Windows XP)?

No. WinXP automatically does this after files haven't been used/accessed for some time, it has nothing to do with CC.

2. Does CCleaner come with commands so that I can run the program using 'Task Scheduler' that comes with XP and then have it run set settings?


this automatically can run CC from the registry (there's an option to enable it), or you can manually input it into the Start Menu Startup folder, Windows Task Scheduler, and use it in a batch file. Just choose your flavour. Here's what the full command should look like (including the quotes):

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO

or if you have Program Files installed elsewhere:

"%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO

But be warned: If an installation or uninstall wants to do something after a reboot it "may" interfere if files were dumped into the global temp folder and all of a sudden were deleted.


Forgot to mention, CC will only clean what you have previously selected in the 'Cleaner' portion. /AUTO won't run the 'Issues' portion ("registry cleaner").

3. Does CCleaner securly delete the files?

It has three types of "secure" file deletion in Options->Settings:

1. Simple Overwrite (1 pass)

2. DOD 5220.22-M (3 passes)

3. NSA (7 passes)

However it doesn't currently offer to delete any file from everywhere, e.g.; you cannot right click a file and securely delete it and you can't send it to CC. If you have sensitive documents send them to the Recycle Bin and from there CC can wipe the files, but only if you have the Recycle Bin enabled to be cleaned by CC in 'Cleaner->Windows->System->Recycle Bin'

4. Is it possible to ever clear all cach on the computer so that it reads as 0KB?

With non Internet Explorer browsers like Opera and Firefox that isn't a problem, however with Internet Explorer the index.dat files automatically get rebuilt and have a minimum filesize of at least 16kb.

5. Does CCleaner create backups automatically of critical files?

The 'Cleaner' portion doesn't create any backups.

The 'Issues' portion is configured by default to offer you the option to create a backup with a pop-up prompt, you just need to save the .reg backups into a logical location from which you'll easily remember where they are, e.g.; My Documents is a good location!

6. Will CCleaner ever have a mulituser or admin password support?

That's a question for the developer MrG. Currently there is "multi-user support" via right clicking the Recycle Bin. If you want an All Users Desktop shortcut or and All Users Start Menu shortcut you'd just manually make one pointing to ccleaner.exe. However with limited user accounts on WinXP you won't be able to clean the registry using the 'Issues' portion.