CCleaner Compatability


Kim Komando had a link to your site for software to remove index.dat files and others.

My question here is I currently running 98SE with CounterSpy 1.5 and there are always 3 .tmp files in the Windows TEMP folder that cannot be deleted, as well as others that I may not know of. I also use ZipGenius and it will always have a folder in the Windows "TEMP" called ZG Temp with a little file in it, along with the CounterSpy 3 .tmp files which will always be there.

I also run Norton AntiVirus 2005, Ad-Aware SE Personal, and SpyBot S&D. My main concerns here are is there something that could get deleted that could cause problems unknowingly?

Regarding these 4 spyware/antivirus programs, the only ones active all the time are the Norton AntiVirus 2005 and CounterSpy, and the Ad-Aware and SpyBot S & D are run manually from time to time.

I might add that I use FireFox as my default browser, and IE 6.0 only runs when necessary for Windows updates. And lastly, NO I don't not use AOL...period!

Now that I have given some history, here is the real question. I have used Norton SystemWorks 2001; necessary for 98SE for years and have only one issue that needs watching. In using its Registry cleaning function, in working with what the call "Redundant" .dll files, Canon will put the same .dll files in there more that once for other hardware items like scanners, printers, and they will show as being doubles, or redundant, but I'm telling you now do not delete these doubles or one of the hardware items using it will not work and you will need to reinstall the drivers again.

Does CCleaner know the differences here and will not delete these double/redundant .dll files used by Canon?

I'm looking forward to giving CCleaner a try...if Kim Komando recommends a program, or notes it on her daily tip, then it gets my vote.

Sorry for being so long here, but usually a little history helps from the start up.

Thanks for your help and please drop me any E-mails that might be involved on any of these issues.



I haven't been using CCleaner very long but what I like is that, unlike some others of its kind, it has the Analyze function that lets you see what the various settings would do without actually deleting anything until you Run Cleaner.

This should be ideal for someone like yourself that knows the specific files that are potential problems.


If any Norton/Symantec product breaks your OS, dont come blame CCleaner. :)

If any Norton/Symantec product breaks your OS, dont come blame CCleaner. :)

I think you are misunderstanding me.

I have no issues with Norton products and have used them for over 15 years....I still have the old Norton Commander stuff from DOS days.

My question was regarding the registry cleaner part of CCleaner.

I already know that Norton Cleansweep will screw up on redundant dll's, but was just curious to find out if CCleaner was also unfamiliar with the way Canon keeps duplicates of certain dll's for say a printer and scanner? Just trying to keep from having to find out the hard way like I did with the CleanSweep utility in Norton SystemWorks2001.

The thing I read about CCleaner was that it will allow you to merge back the changes...that's nice.

I'm in the habit using 98SE to just make a registry copy every couple of weeks just in did save me once. I also use Ghost 2003 and image my harddrives every 30 days, or anytime I see a Microsoft Update for IE 6.0 which in itself causes me worries, so I create a image and then do the updates and if I don't like it I can always set it back.

Anyway, I was just trying to find some additional information from actual users on this program CCleaner that's all.

If I may ask, does it remove what is stored in index.dat files, or completely delete them from the system? If it does delete them, does this cause any issues?

Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate them.


As you may or may not know, you can backup everything before you clean, so if errors are made, it can be restored. I have never had a problem with its cleaner at all, it always works wonders for me.