CCleaner compared to Uniblue

I've run CCleaner registry cleaner and deleted all the items found. However, I've run the demo version of Uniblue, a registry cleaner that costs about $60 for the full version. Uniblue claims to have discovered over 400 errors AFTER I have run CCleaner. Any insight as to the validity of the uniblue number and why there could be such a huge discreprancy between the two? Thanks.

I've run CCleaner registry cleaner and deleted all the items found. However, I've run the demo version of Uniblue, a registry cleaner that costs about $60 for the full version. Uniblue claims to have discovered over 400 errors AFTER I have run CCleaner. Any insight as to the validity of the uniblue number and why there could be such a huge discreprancy between the two? Thanks.

I think CCleaner isn't mainly a registry cleaner, and Uniblue's Registry Booster (I'm guessing you are referring to that one) is. I use RegSeeker as my main registry cleaner.

CCleaner has a safe registry cleaner compared to other freeware and even commercial cleaners available, and is less likely to cause grief after cleaning the registry.

Many registry cleaners are too aggressive and amongst listing invalid data there can be a ton of false positives, i.e.; detecting perfectly valid data as needing to be removed when it shouldn't be messed with. Cleaning valid registry data can cause the reinstallation of software, or even worse Windows itself.

I've run CCleaner registry cleaner and deleted all the items found. However, I've run the demo version of Uniblue, a registry cleaner that costs about $60 for the full version. Uniblue claims to have discovered over 400 errors AFTER I have run CCleaner. Any insight as to the validity of the uniblue number and why there could be such a huge discreprancy between the two? Thanks.
I just wanted to say this. I had set up a new pc with a fresh install of Vista Ultimate and 10-15 programs, which were all installed without any errors. So it was a completely stable and new OS + prefered programs installation.

I then used a freeware registry cleaner (by Glarysoft I think) and it found 600+ registry issues to be repaired! Is this a joke or what?

CCleaner deletes what really is useless and needs to be deleted and doesn't mess up the registry. At least this is how I sea it the last 2 years I am using it.

Finding hundreds of registry entries, or dozens of empty folders can seem a very impressive job...

I have noticed that some cleaners are deleting registry entries that is absolutely unuseful to delete, since

they will be immediately recreated. Or at next system restart, or running applications. The same does happens

with utilities featured to search and delete empty folders. Most of those empty folders are needed/recreated

by their applications.


CCleaner is a good section of the software, but also some limitations, not enough powerful features. Some of the registry garbage left out there. The ability to continue to improve.

<_< Recently online with Dell Support with many issues. Dell specialist installed ccleaner on my computer to “clean things up”! For me, that’s a pretty good reason to trust ccleaner. One needs to use “caution” when using any registry cleaner…one reg edit too many and well…we all know the rest of the story!

Well there is also this Advanced System Care 3 that I use. Its says that my PC will gain 140% reliability, 200% more speed and the Internet speed will be 2 or 3 times faster if I get the premium features of their utilities and clean the 350+ errors and 100+ unoptimized settings that were detected after I had already run CCleaner.

How the hell is that even suppose to happen???

They are just talking crap to get you to pay for it.