CCleaner closes when click "Run Cleaner"

When I click "Run Cleaner", the whole program closes itself.

Running on Running Vista Home Premium.

I am not the only one having this problem as I checked on other forums:

Running CCleaner 1.39.502.

Any fix?

Welcome to the forum Bryan84

Not sure what the problem is, I know VISTA itself is still causing users of CCleaner varying troubles.

By the way that link you posted does not work, you'll have to redo the link.

You may have to wait for the next version (hope it gets fixed)


I fixed the link.

So now I guess I need to revert back to the previous version.

I'm running Vista home Premium.

If I run a cleanup using CCleaner 1.39 maximized, it causes a "CCleaner has stopped running" error. But if I use the "CCleaner.exe" /AUTO" shortcut on my desktop, it runs fine and causes no error.

Here's the event:

Faulting application CCleaner.exe, version, time stamp 0x461fbd15, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6000.16386, time stamp 0x4549bdc9, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00091978, process id 0x8bc, application start time 0x01c781c88626670b.

I'm running Vista home Premium.

If I run a cleanup using CCleaner 1.39 maximized, it causes a "CCleaner has stopped running" error. But if I use the "CCleaner.exe" /AUTO" shortcut on my desktop, it runs fine and causes no error.

Here's the event:

Faulting application CCleaner.exe, version, time stamp 0x461fbd15, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6000.16386, time stamp 0x4549bdc9, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00091978, process id 0x8bc, application start time 0x01c781c88626670b.

What does /AUTO does?

What does /AUTO does?

CCleaner Beginners Guide - have a look at the command line parameters section ;)

Thank you :)

This happened on my computer too....and I run windows 2000 Pro...

I resolved it by unchecking autocomplete form history under internet explorer....after worked fine...


I know this probally isn't it, but did you check & see if you had the "Close program after cleaning" checked in the Advanced Options. I ran it in both 32/64 bit versions of Vista Home Premium & this was the only way I could reproduce it closing when I hit "Run Cleaner"




By default, that option is NOT enable. I have since then downgraded back to the previous version.

I run windows XP SP2 MCE and just installed the newest CCleaner (1.39.502) and when I open it, much the same happens to me as others, I click run and it closes immediatly. I may have to revert back to a older version. I have never had this problem before. I do not get any error messages or anything like that, it merely closes and nothing more. I do not seem (or that I can find) to have any other conflict with it or with any other software.

Have a great day


Oh so not just for Vista it seems.

Oh so not just for Vista it seems.

The past 2 versions have been causing me problems. "CC Cleaner has encountered a problem. Debug, etc"

Windows XP Home SP 2

I installed 1.38.485 and I am working again...