I am using Windows 7 x64 and although I have NOTHING checked under Windows Explorer in the CCleaner settings it keeps clearing my recently used file list in the start menu. How can I get this to stop withut deleting the program?
Advanced - Menu Order Cache
Advanced - Menu Order Cache
I see it but it is not checked
Advanced - Menu Order Cache
When running the reg cleaner I ran anylize and found an entry for it to disable user tracking, "NoInstrumentation"=dword:00000000 I removed it and reset the value in the registry. Time will tell if it worked.
Advanced - Menu Order Cache
After rebooting it worked. I am removing CCleaner as it is a dangerous piece of software.
After a quick glance at Google (not being familiar with Noinstrumentation) it appears to disable user tracking when set to 1. As CC performed correctly when this registry entry was removed it may be a conflict with this entry rather than CC's 'error'.
After rebooting it worked. I am removing CCleaner as it is a dangerous piece of software.
No, you are a dangerous user.
In your first post you never mentioned that you had been dabbling with the registry cleaner.
No, you are a dangerous user.
In your first post you never mentioned that you had been dabbling with the registry cleaner.
Exactly. It is the Registry cleaner part of the software that is dangerous to the normal user. This program is reccomended highly everywhere and there was no reason for me to not assume the registry cleaner was not safe. My wife and I looked for over an hour on the home site but nowhere was there any information that using the registry cleaner could cause any problem whatsoever. This conversation is pointless at this point. The program did something, even many users I asked said, it should not have done and I cannot take that risk. Piroform has simply lost a user and I am sure I will not be the last. I have no animosity towards you or the program. I am sure it is great for the highly experienced who know what they are doing with the registry.
Thanks for your time.
Most technical forums will advocate CCleaner for removing junk files.
I am not aware of any that recommend a blind zap of all registry issues.
You should have seen a DEFAULT option to make a registry backup.
It should be self-evident that this is appropriate because cleaning the registry is much more dangerous than cleaning folders.
I am guessing you either cancelled that option or you failed to recognize that it was provided to recover from damaging the registry.
CCleaner can be launched at Windows start-up and run in \AUTO mode without intervention,
but this is restricted to folder cleaning - it does not touch the registry - another clue to danger.