CCleaner changes Microsoft Edge "Open New tabs with" setting

When setting what New Tabs in Microsoft Edge Open with, Microsoft Edge v.25.10586 sets the Dword value of "NewTabPageDisplayOption" as:

0 = Top sites and suggested content

1 = Top sites

2 = A blank page

This value is in the Regkey:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge\ServiceUI

When I change it to any value other than 0 and run CCleaner 5.13.5460 x64, besides clearing all Edge data, when I reopen Edge it also changes back the Dword to 0 and of course the corresponding setting in Microsoft Edge changes back to "Top sites and suggested content".
I should note that all options for Microsoft Edge are selected in CCleaner.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: After disabling all MS Edge settings in CCleaner and re-enabling them one by one, I noticed that it's the "Cookies" setting that causes this behavior. Apparently when Edge reopens after cleanup, it looks for something that the "Cookies" setting has deleted, doesn't find it and resets to "Top sites and suggested content"