for a few days now when i try to clean windows temporary files with the CCleaner it will stop at about 24% with the file C:\Users\(myusername)\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI25603\shell32.dll
I have checked and there a roughtly a dozen other "shell32.dll" in folders named just the same but for noumber after "MEI#######" all the same size, but their creating adtes vary from "cearted today" to "4 days old"
It will appear to be running but it wont get any furhter. In the meantime running programms will continue fine, but I cant start new ones (not even the taskmanger)
When I hit "cancel" in CCleaner it freezes up but I am still not able to run any programs or shut down the computer. I was forced to reset in the end.
I have scanned the shell32.dll with two scanners and neither said its a virus or anything.
techincal info that might be usefull:
I am running Windows 7, its up to date ~ so is my CCleaner
I have checked "only delete temp files odler than 24h" but the problem is a few days old so thats unlikly to be the cause
the problem occured a few days ago, up till then it worked fine.
Does anyone know what could cause that? Also, does anyone know if its save to remove those files manually?
thanks in advance