CCleaner "bug" doesn't show rated speed

CCleaner works fine in XP/Vista/7 etc, but I noted that in Windows 98/ME etc, it fails to show the CPU speed. It does show the amount of ram, but not speed. This is using the latest version of CCleaner.

It would be nice to be able to show it. I do not think it would be that hard to fix, because DXDIAG in Win ME does show the speed of the processor. I forget if DXDIAG works for speed rating in 98, but will have to check.

I always need to know the speed of a computer I am checking so that I can know exactly what I am working with, & what recommendation to make to someone about what to do to their system (if it is feasible to update).

Please fix this "bug" because, it really bugs me (seriously!) to not be able to see the rated speed in older OS systems without taking extra steps!

I really hope this gets fixed, because it is soooo "annoying" if you know what I mean! I know you cannot support everything on older OS, but is it too much to ask for Processor speed support on 98/ME/Older OS?

Thank you!

ccleaner shows cpu speed? Where is that located. Never noticed it.....

ccleaner shows cpu speed? Where is that located. Never noticed it.....

Top left under v. installed is MS Windows OS v., your CPU @ X GHz, X RAM, etc

In the meantime:

Right click the My Computer icon on the desktop, and then select Properties.

In the meantime:

Right click the My Computer icon on the desktop, and then select Properties.

That works under XP/Vista/7, Adavari. I am not sure how familiar you are with older OS property boxes, but in W98 or WME, it will not show CPU speed when you do that.

Win ME does show the CPU speed if you go to start/run & type in DXDIAG & hit enter. I forget if Win 98 shows it, even in DXDIAG. W98/WME show the amount of installed memory in CCleaner, just not the CPU speed. Was wondering if there can be a check made to test the speed in cases where it doesn't show it.

Newer OS versions show the CPU speed when you right click My Computer/properties, but 98/ME don't.

I occasionally have to work on a few systems that are older. Believe it or not, some people still cling to those, so having the ability to see what their clock speed is would be worth it to tell them if an upgrade is feasible.

Thanks for your replies, & I hope this can be added. It seems like it would not be that hard, & it would really help people like me who have to deal with a number of them. I have to deal with 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7 pretty often, as well as other OS from time to time.

If this can be added, it would help so much! Thanks!

Well I tried all sort of methods on my win98 "box" but none work. the only why to get it is run>winrep.exe options>collected data

this thread does a good job describing why this is the case (and I believe it acuratly describes the method ccleaner uses to get the cpu info)

I also note that any Microsoft websites freeze win98's ie6 Go figure ;) (how do I start task manager in win98 I need to kill two ie windows o_O found it alt-ctrl-del (or in my case host-del))

I am not sure how familiar you are with older OS property boxes, but in W98 or WME, it will not show CPU speed when you do that.

My bad - it's just that I've forgotten since I haven't plugged in my old Win98 PC in over 4 years now. Although if I can find a desk spot for it, I'll dust it off and it will be up and running again just to play some older cherished PC games that WinXP and newer can't play right - that's the only reason I've kept it.

That's basically the only reason I have kept it too.

I have gotten Hexen patched so that it works right in XP, along with doing "a few enhancements for 98" including:

- A zip/rar/7z extractor for use in 98

- Better image viewer (than 98)

- Icon update (looks like win ME/2k style)

- Opera is the ONLY major modern browser that lets you install their latest version, I think. I tested on ME, & it worked, so I believe it will on 98 as well, but you will have to update the Windows Installer to version 2 first

There are a few others, but I chose to dwell only on the major pains of 98 for now...

I have a race driver game with steering wheel, gas pedal, brake pedal etc that will not function properly in XP, but runs like a champ in 98. Haven't figured out the problem yet, so I keep 98 just because of that game alone!

Edit: That says it is for all versions of windows, & I do know it works in XP... I haven't tried it in 98 yet to be sure, but it sure would be easier to have it show in CCleaner...

Well I tried all sort of methods on my win98 "box" but none work. the only why to get it is run>winrep.exe options>collected data

this thread does a good job describing why this is the case (and I believe it acuratly describes the method ccleaner uses to get the cpu info)

I also note that any Microsoft websites freeze win98's ie6 Go figure ;) (how do I start task manager in win98 I need to kill two ie windows o_O found it alt-ctrl-del (or in my case host-del))

There are 3rd party task manager apps. Some resemble windows task manager.

There is also a program called End it All (get version 2). Helps kill any running processes (great for malware scans, freeing up mem before beginning a task, etc)

Opera (latest version 10) seems to install & run on Win ME, so I assume it will work on 98 as well. You just need to update Windows Installer to version 2 first, then reboot. Opera was 2 times faster or more in loading, compared to Firefox 2.00.20 (the next browser I tried) since the newer & faster firefoxes would not run on ME or below. Google Chrome, IE 7, 8, 9, Browzar, The World & some others just would not work.

I will try to remember to test your way later to see how it does.

My bad - it's just that I've forgotten since I haven't plugged in my old Win98 PC in over 4 years now. Although if I can find a desk spot for it, I'll dust it off and it will be up and running again just to play some older cherished PC games that WinXP and newer can't play right - that's the only reason I've kept it.

P.S. Have you tried Dos Box ( It is supposed to allow you to run games that normally don't work in XP. They have different front ends for it. I haven't had time to test it lately, but older versions were a pain. I heard it has improved a lot lately...

I haven't read every post here but 98 is pretty ancient, its probably some technology incompatibility or something. Not many people use 98 y'know.

I haven't read every post here but 98 is pretty ancient, its probably some technology incompatibility or something. Not many people use 98 y'know.

Haha! Trust us, we know it's ancient! What it is, is that W98 gave developers direct access to hardware. Programs that ran would be coded to take direct access to the sound hardware. In XP & higher, they stopped granting direct access, but made software have to go through an emulation layer in order to access it. In XP & higher, only the OS has direct access to the hardware.

Of course, there are still people in home/businesses that I have seen, that are still using W98. My guess is that W98 licensing is much cheaper than the "newer" versions of Windows, hence the business use.

See? Windows 98 IS good for something! Save company $$$!

I do love XP, but, some people still use 98... I haven't seen that many on 95 or earlier.

Well I tried all sort of methods on my win98 "box" but none work. the only why to get it is run>winrep.exe options>collected data

this thread does a good job describing why this is the case (and I believe it acuratly describes the method ccleaner uses to get the cpu info)

I also note that any Microsoft websites freeze win98's ie6 Go figure ;) (how do I start task manager in win98 I need to kill two ie windows o_O found it alt-ctrl-del (or in my case host-del))

I believe the latest Opera 10 works on 98 if you update Windows Installer to version 2. This will fix the IE problem by using Opera instead.

There IS a way to see the CPU speed (Start/run/type dxdiag + hit enter key).

This appears to work on 98 + ME so I wonder how hard it would be to implement a check?

Shouldn't be that much harder if it already shows in the DXDiag utility, right?

You don't have to run the winreport tool, no, no, just run DXDiag. It is much simpler to access.