CCLeaner bug DELETED my harddrive!?

Last evening, I used CCleaner 1.25.201 on a Win98se HD. I set it to clean misc crap and also for the first time used the Option/Custom/Custom Files and Folders to Clean feature to delete a particular folder, C:\program files\foldername\*.*. The first time it ran fine, at a later time I ran CCleaner again, and the "foldername" was not there because I had removed it. CCleaner was taking a long while deleting Temp Internet Files and other crap, I thought CCleaner was hanging, cause other versions I've used in the past have, so I canceled the clean. It was then I noticed many files where gone. Trying to figure out wtf happened, I checked Option/Custom/Custom Files / Folders to Clean feature and now see it reads C:\program files\*.*. This was not user error, I didnt enter that. It changed to that by some default bug and now I've lost many programs.

Please help me recover files!

I cant get Undelete.exe to work with it. From what I understand I just need to alter the first character of the folders/filenames in the C:/Program Files directory?

What apps can do this? So far I'm only seeing apps that find the folders and copy the data in them onto another drive.

Restoration 2.5.14 may be useful (free at various sites). Because it doesn't install (runs from floppy or USB memory stick) it minimizes the chance of overwriting the files you are trying to recover. The default setting is to copy to a new location but you can override and restore to original location.

If you've been using the computer, there's a good chance that some of the recovered files could be damaged. You may be better off reinstalling.

Thanks Glenn, I've tried Restoration 2.5.14, nice free app. But where is the option to restore files to their same location? I only see Restore by Copying.

I have not written to HD in question. I closed all windows as soon as I realized what happened, which was immediately. Since then I've only tested undelete apps via floppy and over the network.

There isn't an overall "restore to original location" but you can:

Select a batch of recovered files that were in the same location, then click "Restore by Copying".

On the Save As panel, select the original location for your "Save in:" location.

You'll get a warning recommending you copy to another location ... "Do you want to continue?" Click Yes.