CCleaner Browser Downloader Stopped Working – Any Fixes?

Hey everyone,

I’m having a bit of a problem with my CCleaner Browser. The downloader feature has suddenly stopped working. I’ve tried restarting the browser and my computer, but no luck.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Are there any known fixes or workarounds? I’d appreciate any help or suggestions!

Thanks in advance!

by Wishforbes

If you mean from Youtube then it's Youtube who have changed things as part of their ongoing battle against people downloading without a Youtube Premium licence.

It is being seen in other browsers as well.

Downloading from Youtube is against their terms and conditions unless you have a Youtube Premium membership, so they will block other 'unofficial' downloaders whenever they can.

<a href="" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external nofollow"></a>

Give the developers of the various unofficial downloaders a week or two to work out what Youtube have done this time and find a way round it.

(It's an ongoing contest between the 2 sides which has been going on for years and will continue for more years).