I have CCleaner deployed in a domain environment and we execute using the /AUTO switch. Is there a way that I can exclude the purging of recent documents?
I have CCleaner deployed in a domain environment and we execute using the /AUTO switch. Is there a way that I can exclude the purging of recent documents?
Start CCleaner normally, then simply untick anything you don't want cleaned. Then whenever CCleaner is ran via /AUTO it respects your pre-configuration of it.
Start CCleaner normally, then simply untick anything you don't want cleaned. Then whenever CCleaner is ran via /AUTO it respects your pre-configuration of it.
But, I have about 1500 machines in the domain. Is there an easier way to do this with my environment's size considered?
Have CCleaner save all settings to INI file, it's in Options->Advanced
Then somehow get the ccleaner.ini file from the CCleaner program folder on all those machines. Sounds daunting.
personally in a case like this, I prefer to have CCleaner running from a centralized location (a shared drive) using the portable version thus allows only one ini but I guess you could do one ini and push it out amonst all 1500 clients via a script, or I guess you could have the Domain Controller define a registry key (i don't have the ccleaner registry or I'd tell you what key and what setting