CCleaner at system startup

Is there any known bug or has anyone experienced CCleaner not cleaning at system start up?? does it actually show up a report or any pop up/ balloons to intimate CCleaner activity?? coz I see none happening on my system..

I have Threat Fire running on my winxp, any known issues as regards compatibility with CCleaner ?? the last time I ran CCleaner the computer just didn't shut down, and reported a message saying " Windows is in the middle of a very long process" I had to force a shut down.

Any suggestions?? pls...

many thanks

Is there any known bug or has anyone experienced CCleaner not cleaning at system start up?? does it actually show up a report or any pop up/ balloons to intimate CCleaner activity?? coz I see none happening on my system..

I have Threat Fire running on my winxp, any known issues as regards compatibility with CCleaner ?? the last time I ran CCleaner the computer just didn't shut down, and reported a message saying " Windows is in the middle of a very long process" I had to force a shut down.

Any suggestions?? pls...

many thanks

There have been conflicts between some security programs and CCleaner.I haven't heard about any regarding Threat Fire.Security programs can be very suspicious of programs at startup especially.

As much as you use your computer why not just run it yourself after startup.

Auto running of CCleaner at startup is supposed to be "silent".

If you try running certain tasks like a "defrag" CCleaner is just going to sit and wait mostly if not continuosly.There have always been conflicts between maintenance type programs and always will be.

Regards ,

:) davey

Much appreciate your systematic approach and addressing beyond, many thanks Davey
