I just installed ccleaner with yahoo toolbar and i just wondered? if i uninstall ccleaner does this uninstall the yahoo toolbar as well??
Thanks Rob
I just installed ccleaner with yahoo toolbar and i just wondered? if i uninstall ccleaner does this uninstall the yahoo toolbar as well??
Thanks Rob
I just installed ccleaner with yahoo toolbar and i just wondered? if i uninstall ccleaner does this uninstall the yahoo toolbar as well??
Thanks Rob
Think, i am a little clearer now... does the toolbar install automatically for the default browser? so if IE was the default browser, the ccleaner installer would only install the yahoo toolbar for IE... but if firefox was the deault browser, then the ccleaner installer would only install the yahoo toolbar plugin for firefox?
Like all third party addons included with software it's very highly unlikely that removing CCleaner would remove the toolbar.
I have no ideal how it installs the toolbar for whatever browser is the system default since I only use the Slim build which doesn't include it.
I believe Yahoo Toolbar (and all other cept maybe Bing) will inject into all installed, and compatible, Browsers
Hey, thanks for the replies,
The only reason i came up with the conclusion that it installs the appropriate toolbar for the default browser is because...
I installed it accidently on firefox, and when i went back into firefox after the install it poped up telling me that yahoo toolbar had installed. then i uninstalled the toolbar using the add on manager on firefox
I assumed that installing the toolbar would naturally just install it for IE, and usually these toolbars show up in add and remove programs - anyway i checked and i couldn't find yahoo toolbar listed so i uninstalled ccleaner and the firefoc yahoo add on (which annoyingly set my default search engine as yahoo) and then i set IE as my default browser...
Reinstalled ccleaner with the yahoo toolbar option enabled and then there it was only on IE no installation on firefox and in the list for add and remove programs
Strange, but i guess clever also
Again thanks for the replies