CCleaner and MS Word Temp files

I know CCleaner removes internet temp files. But it doesn't seem to remove any other types of temp files. Ex: MS Word creates temp files todo it's thing. Technically, temp files supposed to be remove at program closing. But in reality, these temp files are still left in the folder.

So, few questions...

How can I use CCleaner to delete these MS word temp files ?? Remember these are NOT internet temp files !!!

Normally, Explore opens any folders and shows all the files. Folder option allows for hidden files to be shown. For some unknown reason??? MS Word temp files cannot be viewed in explore. Another words, I can see my Word files, but no temp files. Maybe temp files are not there at all ?? Well, I use online backup system, and it shows all the temp files and backs them up. This is how I know there are temp files left.

Queston, does anyone know how to show ALL the files in any given folder???

I have Vista

Thanks in advance..


It appears that MS Word stores some of it's "settings" and "temp" files as "System Files", so you would have to go into the same location as "Show Hidden Files And Folders", and uncheck the box for "Hide Protected Operating System Files".

Once you know where they are, and know which file types to look for, then you could add them to CCleaners "Include" feature:

Have a read here, and I would suggest reading it all, as some of these hidden files may contain stuff you want to keep, and note all these files begin with a tilde (~) in case you want to search for them.

Thanks Dennis...

I figured out "Hide Protected Operating System Files" after I posted. But good to know that CCleaner will remove .tmp files.




Sorry for revive an old topic.

I have some temp files, Word files. Some of which start with names like ~$volution_species.docx. They're set as hidden and system files by Word 2016.

1. How to clean/delete them without unhiding them in File Explorer.

2. What's the correct syntax to set in CCleaner, for example, is this correct?


is this correct?


Worked for me in a quick test using winapp2.ini, with this in it - change it to suit your needs:

[Word ~$volution_species.docx*]