CCleaner and bluetooth software

Looking for some help. Whenever I run CCleaner bluetooth will not restart - claims the license has expired. Only option I could figure out is to reinstall the bluetooth software. I have protected CCleaner from removing the license.dat file so that is not the problem. Any ideas what CCleaner is removing that is causing the problem.

Could you provide a little more info? Such as the exact name of the software and version info for the different programs, CCleaner and the bluetooth software you are using.

Could you provide a little more info? Such as the exact name of the software and version info for the different programs, CCleaner and the bluetooth software you are using.

Thanks for the reply. Bluetooth softwared is Widcomm version CCleaner version is 2.03.532. Operating system is Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition.

Thanks for the reply. Bluetooth softwared is Widcomm version CCleaner version is 2.03.532. Operating system is Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition.

Reposting hoping someone has a solution. Update Widcomm now version anc CCleaner version 2.06.567. Thank you.