CCleaner and all others have a strange text style


I'm a Windows Seven SP1 64bit user that has noticed a strange graphic bug on all Piriform softwares.

Basically the text is too big and bold, a screen is attached.

What can I do?


Have you installed IE9?

That seems to be a common complaint of IE9 causing

bold/large and/or ClearType problems. Both in

programs and websites.

You might browse Microsoft Answers/Internet Explorer

forum if the solution isn't found here.

I have IE8 installed and the problem is actually there since 6 months

Some programs are affected by IE text size and fonts settings, although I'm not able to get CCleaner to show big bold fonts changing it.

Make a System Restore Point before changing the IE settings, that way you have an easy way to undo anything should the need arise:

* You could look into this area of IE, and make sure it's set to Medium which is the default setting, screenshot:


* Also the fonts you have IE configured to use can possibly mess with some programs, go into Internet Options to access them, screenshot:


Other than that it could be how you have your Windows Theme font settings configured. I must say I wish CCleaner had the option built in to change the font size it uses which is now too small for my eyes.