Ccleaner Analyze button takes forever to turn blue.

Ccleaner ver 5.04 (but has been happening for several versions now). Win 7 64 bit, SSD with less than half capacity being used.

As the title states, When first running Ccleaner, the Analyze button stays greyed out for an unusually long time, maybe 30 seconds or more. When it finally becomes enablled (turns blue), the application performs as expected.

This all started with the first version that tried to initiate real time monitoring. I disabled all Ccleaner startup features.

Re-enabling them did not help.

Appreciate any help I can get. Ccleaner is a necessity and I will continue to use it even if I can't get it "fixed".

It does this as it's scanning for programs. A long wait usually means the user is using a winapp2 file that is extremely large (such as using the community template without trimming it for programs you don't have.

If you are running ccleaner with a winapp2 file or any other ccleaner "enhancing" you should attempt to remove those (even if just temporarily) and see if the button loads faster