I have been using CCleaner for a number of years but have noticed recently noticed large differencies between the Analysis data e.g. 4.1 MB to be removed and Details of files deleted e.g 20.3MB. Could you tell me why the big differences please. My local PC repair shop said it is probly a bug. Thank You
I have been using CCleaner for a number of years but have noticed recently noticed large differencies between the Analysis data e.g. 4.1 MB to be removed and Details of files deleted e.g 20.3MB. Could you tell me why the big differences please. My local PC repair shop said it is probly a bug. Thank You
Hey Tony,
May be a bug.
Are you using the latest versioin 2.06.567?If not , use it.It is OK.
These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions?
CCleaner version ?
OS and version ?
Browsers and ver.?
Security software and ver?
Provide a list of your Windows tab.
Provide a list of your Applications tab.
Other data you think might be relevant?
What did you do and then what happened?
Hi Davey, Thanks for your prompt reply
Hey Tony,May be a bug.
Are you using the latest versioin 2.06.567?If not , use it.It is OK.
These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions?
CCleaner version ? 2.06.567
OS and version ? Vista Home Premium although noticed on my XP pc also
Browsers and ver.? Mozilla Firefox, latest version
Security software and ver? Norton Antivrus & Firewall 2008
Provide a list of your Windows tab. IE - Temp Internet Files,cookies,history,recently typed URLs,delete index.dat files,last download location. Windows Explorer - Recent docs, run (in start menu) ,search autocomplete & 0ther explorer MRU's. System - Temp Files,clipboard,memory dumps,chkdsk file fragments,windows log files. Advanced - Old Prefetch data,IIS log files,hotfix uninstallers & custom files & folders.
Provide a list of your Applications tab. Firefox - Cookies,download history,internet cache,internet history. Applications - Adobe reader 8.0,office 2003,office 2007. Internet - Sun Java. Multimedia - Adobe Flash Player,real player,windows media player. Utilities - Windows Defender. Windows - ms paint,regedit. As you can see there are only 9 other titles not having boxes ticked.
Other data you think might be relevant? Have had various Vista based problems with codec (lmpgspl.ax problem-sorted eventually)
What did you do and then what happened? Has happened for a while on both pc's.Carries out clean ok as far as I can tell. Didn't do anything different that I can remember. Hope the above answers will help.
Thanks again
Hi Davey, Thanks for your prompt reply
OK Tony,
I am sure this information will help in resolving this.The Bug Fixers can use this info.
It does seem to be a "bug".It almost looks like the analysis figures don't include the probable amount of Firefox data but the delete totals do include them.
I don't use Firefox so I haven't noticed any differences like you have.
One or two versions back they had a similar totals problem related to Internet Explorer totals.
To bypass the bug if you requested a detailed list of IE temp files then that logic path was followed and always supplied the correct figures.
You could try Ticking those boxes in Options > Advanced and see what happens.(Tick IE and also Firefox)
The cleaning seems to be done OK but the Analysis figures are too low.
OK Tony,I am sure this information will help in resolving this.The Bug Fixers can use this info.
It does seem to be a "bug".It almost looks like the analysis figures don't include the probable amount of Firefox data but the delete totals do include them.
I don't use Firefox so I haven't noticed any differences like you have.
One or two versions back they had a similar totals problem related to Internet Explorer totals.
To bypass the bug if you requested a detailed list of IE temp files then that logic path was followed and always supplied the correct figures.
You could try Ticking those boxes in Options > Advanced and see what happens.(Tick IE and also Firefox)
The cleaning seems to be done OK but the Analysis figures are too low.
Hi Davey
I have tried your ideas above and the fault disappeared, both analysis and cleaned figures were the same. Whilst trying to replicate the fault I accessed different programs and then did an analysis and clean. I seem to have narrowed the fault down to using any Microsoft program ( Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel in my case ). Every test I carried out had the same result ....differing analyse and clean figures !!!!! No other programs or accessing websites via Firefox or IE caused the problem. I hope this helps in finding a solution.
Thanks Again
Hi DaveyI have tried your ideas above and the fault disappeared, both analysis and cleaned figures were the same. Whilst trying to replicate the fault I accessed different programs and then did an analysis and clean. I seem to have narrowed the fault down to using any Microsoft program ( Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel in my case ). Every test I carried out had the same result ....differing analyze and clean figures !!!!! No other programs or accessing websites via Firefox or IE caused the problem. I hope this helps in finding a solution.
Thanks Again
What can I say but thanks for taking the further steps to track down where this is occurring.
This will definitely help the "bug fixers" find the problem.
Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for being a valuable member,