Ccleaner affecting Netflix, Microsoft Silverlight?

I recently signed up for Netflix. I watch instant movies on 2 computers at home. One has ccleaner installed and the other doesn't. The computer that has ccleaner installed is causing problems with the Microsoft Silverlight that is required to view Netflix instant movies. It will work fine until I use ccleaner and its tools, then I am asked to install silverlight eventhough its already been installed. What setting or tool (registry) of cleaner could cause this problem? Its a headached uninstalleding and reinstalling silverlight. Thanks

Did you only use CCleaner's "normal" file cleaning, or did you also use the registry cleaning portion? If so, did you let it make a backup? If yes, did you try to restore the backup?

I do use the registry cleaner tool as well. I do back up the registry. I restoed the recent task, and I still have the problem. I will stop using the registry tool next time I re-install Silverlight and post if that was the issue. Thanks

Hi MrCee.

We had a similar problem posted a few months ago, and to confuse the issue we have at least one member who's install of Silverlight isn't affected by CCleaner at all.

If you have Adobe Flash Player checked in "CCleaner\Applications\Multimedia", try unchecking it, as Silverlight may be depositing "Flash Cookies" in the locations that check box cleans.

I don't have Silverlight, but it may kick up a fuss if those cookies contain important settings.

A long shot, but worth a try.