Using CCleaner Professional, Ver 5.61.7393. Program often uses 98% of resources, which stops all computer activity, forcing me to wait too long until the resources are recovered. This happens every time I use CCleaner and with every update I've installed. This can't be normal. Why is CCleaner such a resource hog?
Is this about ccleaner browser or ccleaner? If the latter I will happily move it to the correct board.
Can you screenshot the CCleaner processes in task manager? Unless you are in the middle of doing a drive wipe, the resource consumption should look something like this:
Also any information on your Windows version (and which build, if Windows 10) would be handy.
It's about CCleaner.
This reply is for Dave CCleaner's post. Not sure why you need to see a screenshot of Task Manager when CCleaner is running. Take my word, it uses 93-98% of resources. My Task Manager for CCleaner does not look like your illustration when CCleaner is running. Besides, I cannot take a screenshot because CCleaner has completely taken over the computer.
Does it happen if you have automatic cleaning turned off?
What operating system are you using, Windows 10?
Is Windows Updates trying to install something?
It occurred when CCleaner was set to clean Firefox either when FF opened or closed. I tried both methods. I have disabled this feature and will see what happens. I am using Firefox ver 69.0.1
I've moved this topic to the ccleaner help board
Does this have to do with multiple duplicate copies of CCleaner .EXE files seen running in Windows Task Manager using up allot of resources?
If so, there have been other bug reports about it from various Windows OSes. This is one of the more current links I was able to find, couldn't find the others unfortunately:
No, only one copy CCleaner is running when this happens. I know this, because I click on the CPU column and can see that the program by itself is using up almost all of my resources. before I realized what a hog this program was, I was restarting everything. Now, if it happens (and it won't because I have disabled cleaning Firefox) i can wait it out for about four or five minutes when the cleaning is done and I am given control back by my computer. I don't know much about coding, but I would think that reports that CCleaner can open two or more copies of itself or that for any reason it needs over 90% of the computer's resources is a coding problem, not a user problem.
Oh I see, did you have compact database checked under firefox when this problem occurs?
What are you referring to? Where am I supposed to check this box for Firefox compacting? I don't recall compacting Firefox. I compact my email program, Thunderbird. Not sure what I am supposed to be compacting in Firefox.
One interesting note: EVERYTHING and I mean every action I ask CCleaner to do consumes almost all of my computer's resources according to Task Manager. Just switching from one section to another takes 81-97% of resources.
Per Piriform we can't allow competing software to be posted on the forums. Do all you want via the PM system however.
What is the PM system?
4 hours ago, User48 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Registry cleaned and backed up at every boot. </p> <p> </p> </div>
It is not recommended to clean the registry so often..
8 hours ago, User48 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> What is the PM system? </p> </div>
Look at the very top right of the page where your forum name is shown, now look a little to the left and you'll see a mail envelope. From there you can access the Private Messenger.
I must have missed this at please quote the text about not cleaning the registry so often or the appropriate frequency.
Don't want private messaging - everything for all to see. You may have guessed that the customers on this page are going to cut you no slack - nor should they, since they are customers. So step up to the plate and tell us why this is occurring and what to do to avoid it. If you don't know, say so.
8 hours ago, User48 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Don't want private messaging - everything for all to see. </p> </div>
It was only mentioned because you made three posts in a roll about competing software, which has to be removed per Piriform's wishes going back many years. If you wish to tell someone about alternatives do so via a PM, then there's no posts to remove.
8 hours ago, User48 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> tell us why this is occurring and what to do to avoid it. </p> </div>
Piriform would have to be able to reproduce it themselves to solve it. Also the forum isn't flooded at the moment with complaints about it.
CCleaner has a user base larger than the population of most countries, so if something goes wrong that impacts even a tiny percentage of users, we tend to hear about it in pretty short order. For rare situations like this we need as much information as possible to try and replicate the problem and provide more specific advice - such as the version of CCleaner being used, the version of Windows, are you using third party tools that modify CCleaner (such as winapp2.ini) and, if the issue relates to excessive consumption of system resources above the baseline previously indicated, some information from task manager.
Note that the folks here on the forum are users such as yourself who volunteer their time to help out other members of the CCleaner user community. For more niche technical issues, you may wish to contact customer support for assistance at