i have a problem with CClenaer, I'm trying to install CCleaner 5.75 or 5.70 after installation when I try to open the software I get crash message (ccleaner has stopped working), interface not even show up! i tried a lot of times but no solution, i tried to updare my antivirure and even disable it, but it's not working!
My pc specs :
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Antivirus: Kaspersky Internet Security ( Database Updated )
Win 7 will sometimes not play nicely with the 'offers' in the standard installer, they are written with newer software routines that Win 7 does not support; the 'Slim' installer does not contain those offers.
As you say you have already tried disabling Kaspersky then the next thing I'd try is to boot Windows into Safe Mode and see if the Slim installer will install then.
If it installs OK in Safe Mode then that indicates that something else that is running in 'normal' mode is interfering with the install.
(Which is usually an AV, but let's see if you can install CCleaner in Safe Mode first).
Thank you for your reply, and sorry for my late reply, I tried again to install slim in safe mode but it doesn't work when I try to open it in safe mode(nothing happens when running it), even in normal mode I get the same error message!.
Ok, the next thing is to check that you haven't somehow got Win 7 set to run CCleaner in compitibility mode with Vista or XP.
If you've managed to get a CCleaner installed but not running then:
Browse to the CCleaner folder and right click on 'CCleaner64.exe', in the context menu select 'Properties' and then the 'Compatibility' tab.
(This is from Win 10 but it's similar in Win 7).
The last CCleaner version that will run sucessfully in Vista/XP is version 5.64, anything later may install but won't run.
If you haven't managed to get a CCleaner to install so can't check the above, or if you want to try it anyway, you can get CCleaner v5.64 installer from this link:
but it tells me it's not compatible with your OS system. ! <span><img alt=":(" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_sad.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" title=":(" width="20" /></span>
I do note that Kaspersky Internet Security is now at version, patch B. (Released 11 Dec 2020).
Both Patch A and patch B for version (and the older Patch C for version say that they '<em>fix several application issues</em>'.
Which version are you running now?
Sometimes to get the latest version you have to update your AV from the website rather than through the AV itself.
(We have had many posts in the past where the user insisted their AV was up to date, but a check on the AV's website found otherwise, and updating to the latest solved their issue. Some AVs are worse for it than others).
If you have a paid for CCleaner then if updating Kaspersky doesn't solve the issue I suggest that you contact support, email them at: support@ccleaner.com
Thank you so much for your time and effort, i have uninstalled kaspersky but still not solving the issue, i will try to contact support on Email, thanks again!