I want to know if there is problem with secure erase files functionality (not the unused space of a partition) of CCleaner 5.74 when there is thousands of files (size 100 à 500 kB) to erase.
Actually, under Windows 10 Pro 64bit (v.2004) with a core i7-10700K and 64 GB of RAM, I want to secure erase 18 000 files and I have a process "explorer.exe" who rise to 64 GB and a few seconds after : dark screen (but my display device is not in energy safe position)...
Under Windows 7 Ultimate Pro 64bit with my 8 years old configuration (core i7-2600 with 32 GB of RAM), sometimes I had secure erased up to more 50 000 files without problem.
Is it CCleaner usage with Windows 10 or a potential bug of secure erase files with CCleaner 5.74 ?
Many thanks for your answer (and sorry for my bad english).
Best regards.