I just updated, via ccleaner suggestion from 5.43.6502 now CCleaner just quick shuts down when I try to RUN Cleaner. It will analyze fine.
I am running the FREE version of CCleaner for home use.
I am running Win 10 Ver. 1803 Build 17134 64 bit.
I have tried uninstalling with Revo Pro, redownloading, from Piriform site and re-installing CCleaner. No change, same problem.
the program just shuts down when I click on "Run Cleaner".
This is also happening on another computer I have that also updated to 5.43.6522 today so it is not the computer.
Hi Stan,
Someone mentioned running in Compatibility mode is a workaround. Perhaps try it and post back if it helps.
Thanks Hazenul --
I may give that a try. OR, awiat Piriform's next update in June where some posted they would fix it.
In the meantime I have donwloaded free [competition software] to handle things. It will do for the moment. But yes,
I will try your suggestion.
the run in "Compatibility Mode' for Windows 8 seems to have fixed it for the moment.
I will now await the Periform FIX in JUNE.
I have the same problem with this version. I'm running Windows 7 with SP 1. It was working fine yesterday, but I tried to update and it wouldn't complete the install. It stopped and said it couldn't finish. CCleaner was still working, but I started up this morning and the program was gone. Folder was there, but not the exe. Downloaded and reinstalled but it won't do a Scan, just analyze. The realtime cleaning of Chrome is working.
What antivirus do you use?
HI atexathome-
Did you try running "compatibility mode" for ccleaner.exe [under properties] and selecting Win 7--
You can Google how to do this, etc.
Win 7 compatiablity was offered to me as a drop down box select when I picked 'compatibility' for Win 8--
which seems to have temporarily fixed "Run Cleaner" etc.
May 28, 2018, 7:30pm
I have had the same issue, but this was fixed by changing the compatibility mode from windows 10 to windows 8. and now its works fine. Thank you.
I am having the exact same issue.
Computer starts and after a few minutes the CCleaner closes.
I am using Windows 10 Home 64 bit system and CCleaner Professional Edition v5.46.6652 (64-bit).
5 hours ago, dodgeram4x496 said:
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v5.46.6652 (64-bit).
Version 5.47.6716 was released a few days ago, perhaps update to see if it resolves the issue.
2 hours ago, Andavari said:
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Version 5.47.6716 was released a few days ago, perhaps update to see if it resolves the issue.
Just updated to the latest version, restarted windows and the same issue is happening!
10 minutes ago, dodgeram4x496 said:
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Just updated to the latest version, restarted windows and the same issue is happening!
What antivirus/security software are you using?
1 minute ago, hazelnut said:
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What antivirus/security software are you using?
Windows Defender Security Center / SuperAntispyware Professional / Malwarebytes Premium
Before doing a scan try turning real time protection off for Malwarebytes.
If still no go, try turning off real time for SuperAntispyware as well.
Let us know how it goes.