The latest version of CCleaner (5.06) for 64 bit systems is hanging on the ActiveX and Class Issues section. I have gone through the necessary steps to see if I could resolve this, but haven't been able to do so.
All other sections run flawlessly. Below is the text of the debug file (as far as I was able to go and then shutdown CCleaner when it hangs).
[19:11:47::653][iNFO ] CCleaner v5.06.5219 (64-bit)
[19:11:47::653][iNFO ] Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
[19:11:47::653][iNFO ] Intel Core i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
[19:11:47::654][iNFO ] 32.0GB RAM
[19:11:47::654][iNFO ] AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
[19:11:47::654][iNFO ] Username: Scott
[19:11:47::654][iNFO ] Application Started
[19:11:52::345][DEBUG] OnBegin - Registry
[19:11:52::346][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3601 | Missing Shared DLLs
[19:11:52::498][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3601 | Missing Shared DLLs
[19:11:52::499][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:11:53::105][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:11:53::105][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:11:53::109][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:11:53::109][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues
[19:11:54::450][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues
[19:11:54::450][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues
[19:11:54::543][DEBUG] HKCR\CLSID\{3750C103-01A1-4d31-8825-B9E6700B3D44} | InProcServer32\C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PDFCreate\PDFCExcelAddin.dll | C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PDFCreate\PDFCExcelAddin.dll
[19:11:54::580][DEBUG] HKCR\CLSID\{4F2AA8A0-A4A9-436d-9D4A-EC86F7331FD3} | InProcServer32\C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PDFCreate\PDFCWordAddin.dll | C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PDFCreate\PDFCWordAddin.dll
[19:11:54::643][DEBUG] HKCR\CLSID\{840EE782-D124-4f84-B92B-FDCDA42C1654} | InProcServer32\C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PDFCreate\PDFCPptAddin.dll | C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PDFCreate\PDFCPptAddin.dll
[19:12:01::949][iNFO ] Closing application...
[19:12:01::954][DEBUG] Registry - Initializing Stop request...