CCleaner 5.04 stopped offering to back up my registry changes?


I have used CCleaner for years on several systems without any problems.

I am currently running version 5.04 on my Windows 8.1 computer.

When I just had CCleaner scan my registry and it found some items, CCleaner did not offer to make a backup (.reg file) of any changes for me.

It always did allow me to make a backup of any changes before I could even click on "Fix Selected Changes".

Did I change something somehow in the settings?

And how do I change it back?

Please help! What is the easiest way to reset this?

So that Cleaner will offer to backup any registry changes?

I looked briefly but did not see anything to change this.

Can someone please help?

Thanks for any replies.

EDIT: Okay. Sorry to bother you all.. I just found the setting (under options) to "Show Prompt for Registry Changes" and it seems all right now. The setting must have gotten changed somehow.

Sorry bout that!

Mike W. Dorr

No problem Mike.

Glad you got it sorted :)