After updating to 4,11( free version ) I've had loads of problems . It takes ages to load and then doesn't respond sometimes opening a load of new windows , one even looked like it was running safe mode . I've uninstalled and reinstalled downloading from the Piriform website . When I ran it in Debug mode it still didn't respond and it seems that there is a dll file missing . So is there anywhere I can safely download this dll file from for Win 8.1 ?
[03:54:52::303][iNFO ] CCleaner v4.11.4619 (64-bit)
[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] MS Windows 8.1 64-bit
[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] Intel Core i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz
[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] 12.0GB RAM
[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GT 640
[03:54:52::305][iNFO ] Username: Jacki
[03:54:52::305][iNFO ] Application Started
[03:54:52::305][ERROR] Error loading branding.dll - 0x490: Element not found.