CCleaner 4.11 not responding

After updating to 4,11( free version ) I've had loads of problems . It takes ages to load and then doesn't respond sometimes opening a load of new windows , one even looked like it was running safe mode . I've uninstalled and reinstalled downloading from the Piriform website . When I ran it in Debug mode it still didn't respond and it seems that there is a dll file missing . So is there anywhere I can safely download this dll file from for Win 8.1 ?

[03:54:52::303][iNFO ] CCleaner v4.11.4619 (64-bit)

[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] MS Windows 8.1 64-bit

[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] Intel Core i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz

[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] 12.0GB RAM

[03:54:52::304][iNFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GT 640

[03:54:52::305][iNFO ] Username: Jacki

[03:54:52::305][iNFO ] Application Started

[03:54:52::305][ERROR] Error loading branding.dll - 0x490: Element not found.


Uninstall the version you have and reboot.

Then try downloading the slim build from the builds page here.

Then install and see if your problem persists.

(don't worry too much about the brandling.dll thing, it appears on lots of ccleaner debugs)

I take it your 8.1 system is up to date and av scans come up clean?

Thanks , I will try the slim build . Yes my 8.1 is up to date and av comes up clean .

Wow , that's much better thanks . Back to it's old self and working well . :D

Glad to hear it... enjoy your day :)

To be clear, the missing dll warning is just ccleaner checking if it's Ccleaner Pro or not.