Message "CCleaner requires Windows XP or later."
Last version okay on Windows 2000 - 3.28.1913
Message "CCleaner requires Windows XP or later."
Last version okay on Windows 2000 - 3.28.1913
My assumption is that they're no longer supporting windows 2000 as of version 4.
Perhpas time to upgrade?
This is clear when reading the system requirements as of version 4, though I do wish it was listed in the change log.
Not a bug
Were is the System Requirements listed, searched On FileHippo.Com it still lists windows 2000.
Sence it does an auto-update by itself, how did I know that it no longer supported Widnws 2000.
Just for those who say Update my OS, I assume they only have one system - I have 8 differnet systems, running windows 2000. Vista, 7, 8, Unix and OSX.
The topic is to document the NEW requirement, noy ask help getting around it.
I agree it may not be considered a Program Bug, "per say", but why was it not listed in the Change Log by the Developers - Failing to Document all changes is a BUG in poor user notifications.
I also use Windows 2000 on a number of my computers, and dropping support for that operating system is definitely bad news. I hope they reconsider, because losing compatibility with Windows 2000 is a ccleaner bug for me, whether it's called that or not. Come on, Piriform, W2K works on even the newest hardware out there--you can restore Windows 2000 compatibility to ccleaner, you have the know-how. You can do it.
W2K works on even the newest hardware out there
Even on a UEFI motherboard ?
Dont fix it if it aint broke,
and since CC version 3 still works just the same on old systems, why update it ?
After all even if version 4 worked on W2K, you would NOT need it to clean the junk created by IE10.
Even on a UEFI motherboard ?
Dont fix it if it aint broke,
and since CC version 3 still works just the same on old systems, why update it ?
After all even if version 4 worked on W2K, you would NOT need it to clean the junk created by IE10.
Yes, even on a UEFI motherboard, to which I can personally attest, insofar as I am presently running Windows 2000 Professional on a Z77 motherboard / Sandy Bridge processor.
As for junk created by Internet Explorer, that is far from the only purpose served by CCleaner.
What advantages do you gain from running such an old system on cutting edge hardware?
The same advantages gained by running any other operating system on cutting edge hardware.
I suppose, but when I run windows 7 on that machine, I can play games using direct x 10, whereas I can't on Windows 2000. I'm not sure I see the benefit in intentionally using Windows 2000 unless you have some dire need to. At the very least one could VM it.
losing compatibility with Windows 2000 is a ccleaner bug for me, whether it's called that or not.
I think Win2k users should feel fortunate they kept support for it as long as they did.
Now I wonder when the death nail for supporting WinXP is coming.
If I had to guess, I'd say CCleaner v5.0?
98 support was dropped with 3.0, 4.0 killed off 2000 (and presumably ME)
Given that major version number has been bumped every 2½-3 years, it seems the likely conclusion that in 2015, Piriform might drop support for Windows XP.
Now I wonder when the death nail for supporting WinXP is coming.
i hope no, but if thats so, whatever, than i take the last version running on xp