CCleaner 3.05.1408 and MySQL 5.1

Hello all,

I am using Windows 7 64 bit with MySQL 5.1.56 32 bit.

CCleaner detects the following as a registry issue:

Invalid file reference ImagePath - "c:\program files (x86)\mysql\mysql server 5.1\bin\mysqld" --defaults-file="c:\program files (x86)\mysql\mysql server 5.1\my.ini" mysql HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MySQL

This is somewhat problematic as if I do remove the issue, it effectively deletes the Windows service, and on the next boot I have to reinstall the service. I can avoid checking for issues related to Windows services, or just uncheck the issue in the found issues list, but this is a false positive, and it would be nice if CCleaner could avoid considering it as an issue.

Yes, I've been using CCleaner for at least 2-3 years and I recommend this application to many of my friends, telling them registry clean-up never gave me any problem. (which is truth!) They dare remove junk files but they think cleaning up registry is problematic. I always assure them telling them my experience.

What I learned today was quite surprising. Kindly fix this as I still like to recommend this to people. :)

Keep up the good work and all the best~


Thanks, we'll look into this.

Hello - I can confirm that this is also happening on version 3.05.1409 - 32bit Windows Vista.

In case that helps at all.


Wow, I just wanted to login and confirm this for MySQL v5.1 and v5.5...

its a doozie... didnt even recognize the old instance when I reset it up (MySQL data location is STILL broken... it IGNORES the selection in the instance setup wizard... bug is been open for 6 months now over @ MySQL), thank god for daily backup's however :P

I love MySQL, and made to add this exclusion for each developer I help with monthly autoruns :D, love CCleaner as well :P


The same problem in MySQL 4.1 - Windows XP 32 bit

have the same problem.

yesterday i've installed ccleaner 3.05.1409 ans since then i cant connetc to my local mysql database :(

please fix it ASAP !!

You must install again MySQL...

Don't forget to backup your DB and settings.

Folder "Data"

and file my.ini

it seems to be the only solution, the problem is why does it's happening ?

For the time being, I think you should all add this to your whitelist, to avoid problems.

No need to re-install MySQL, you just need to re-create the service in Windows. For example, you can run the MySQLInstanceConfig.exe for that, which you will find in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin

under Windows 7 64 bit, assuming you kept the default path. Or if you're familiar enough with both Windows and MySQL configuration (not my case), there's probably a command to create the service from the command line...

The same problem with MySQL

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And with Oracle 11g

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just installed pro version v.5.17.5590 and ran the registry tool. now mysql is broken. looks like this BUG is still not fixed.

try the latest version, 5.19, but based on the age of the problem, I doubt it's fix in the latest version either.

so as @Winapp2.ini suggested ealier, add that key as an exception for the time being.

but that's the potential downside with any reg cleaning, things break, it's just a known, fairly common, side-effect.

which is why the backup option is offered.