CCleaner 2.06 Will Not Run on Vista Ultimate x64 SP1

I am new to using CCleaner. As soon as I click on its Desktop icon, CCleaner tries to start running and immediately stops. I have installed all Microsoft Updates for Vista Ultimate x64 SP1. I have 2 CPUs each with 2 cores if that should make any difference.

Is CCleaner 2.06 compatible with 64 bits and SP1?

Any suggestions???

TIA from,


I am new to using CCleaner. As soon as I click on its Desktop icon, CCleaner tries to start running and immediately stops. I have installed all Microsoft Updates for Vista Ultimate x64 SP1. I have 2 CPUs each with 2 cores if that should make any difference.

Is CCleaner 2.06 compatible with 64 bits and SP1?

Any suggestions???

TIA from,


Hello James,

Sincerely, Welcome to the forum !!!

First thing I would do is untick Automatically check for updates to CCleaner at Options > Settings.

Some users have had problems there.

I don't have Vista or with 64 bits but others do and some with no problems,some with problems.

If that doesn't help provide the following.

The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution.

These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions?

Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced and close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)

CCleaner version ?

OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Security software and ver?

Other data you think might be relevant?

What did you do and then what happened?


:) davey

Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. Bookmark it and save in your Favorites.

Thanks for taking your time to make a report.

First thing I would do is untick Automatically check for updates to CCleaner at Options > Settings.

Some users have had problems there.

Davey's right with his suggestions. And my guess would be that you might have the "Close program after cleaning" option set. But, it will depend on how the program "stops".

In addition to Davey's questions, I have a couple more.

Do you mean that as soon as you click on the program icon to open it stops and closes, or once the program is open and you click on the "Run Cleaner" button and it just stops cleaning?

Have you tried to remove and then reinstall CCleaner yet?

As far as Vista SP1 goes I do know it worked fine on the 3 systems I've upgraded so far. One of which is Ultimate and an Intel Quad Core, I doubt the version matters. The ones I did were not 64bit so someone else with 64bit SP1 will have to testify about that.

Good Luck!


*BTW - Davey, to go along with the guide, I updated my screen shot / settings page so you can point to each section by just copying the url(s) at the top of the page in the list. Not trying to take away from the guide, just augment with pictures.

My thanks to Davey and Vic for responding!

First, in my CCleaner folder there are only 2 files (CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe)! There is NO CCleaner.ini file as I would have expected. So I can't manually edit it as you suggested. I infer the installation process did not complete properly.

Second, I have installed, uninstalled (with CCleaner's Uninstaller), and reinstalled CCleaner 2.06 - all with the same lack of results. Each time I had no other programs running. And one time I rebooted to see if that would help matters - it didn't.

Third, when I clicked on the CCleaner's Desktop icon, a small black screen appeared (like from a command prompt) and it disappeared in a fraction of a second. Then nothing more happened. Both times it occurred so rapidly I could not read anything. This might be explained by not having a proper ini file.

Here is the info you requested:

CCleaner version: 2.06

OS, edition, 32bit or 64bit and version: Windows Vista Ultimate x64 SP1 (with all Updates installed)

Browsers and version: Internet Explorer 7 (not running), Firefox (not running), and Opera 9.27 (not running)

Security software and version: Kaspersky Internet Security (not running)

Other data you think might be relevant: Dual Opteron 275s, 8GB of RAM, NVIDIA 8800 GTS 512MB, and 3 Raptor HDDs; Flash Player (not running)

What did you do and then what happened?: Please see above.

Do you think trying an earlier version of CCleaner would be beneficial???

Many thanks from,


First, in my CCleaner folder there are only 2 files (CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe)! There is NO CCleaner.ini file as I would have expected. So I can't manually edit it as you suggested. I infer the installation process did not complete properly.

Second, I have installed, uninstalled (with CCleaner's Uninstaller), and reinstalled CCleaner 2.06 - all with the same lack of results. Each time I had no other programs running. And one time I rebooted to see if that would help matters - it didn't.

Third, when I clicked on the CCleaner's Desktop icon, a small black screen appeared (like from a command prompt) and it disappeared in a fraction of a second. Then nothing more happened. Both times it occurred so rapidly I could not read anything. This might be explained by not having a proper ini file.

Do you think trying an earlier version of CCleaner would be beneficial???


James - Normally this would be a job for CCleaner, ironic huh? I would suggest that you try to uninstall, and after that go to the programs folder and make sure the CCleaner folder is gone from there too. Then check the registry for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CCleaner" which at that point should be gone. If it's not make a note of whether or not the update check is turned on or off (1 or 0). That option is one that is available during the installation. Anyway if it's there in the registry, delete just the CCleaner key (you can export it to back it up if you like but I don't think in this case it would be necessary, - disclaimer ;) - of course it's always a good idea to backup the entire reg when working on it just in case). Then I would also download a new copy of the program. It certainly doesn't happen often, but the download could be corrupted.

Those are the basics I can think of. I wouldn't want to go fooling around with the registry too much, that's why I only point out the one entry, even though there are more.

Edit - I also just remembered that it's Vista so you may have to check the program data folder, I think. I don't have a Vista computer handy to see what that folder is called. If I recall right, once you open up your drive Windows is installed on, you should spot what I'm talking about. I don't think it should be there, but since I can't check...

And for another suggestion it's thin, I know, but have you tried to install it to a flash drive? I don't have any idea if that would work, but it might be worth a shot. That also might give the programmers something to work with.

CCleaner Portable 2.06.567


As far as trying out one of the earlier versions, I wouldn't do that just yet. But, if you try out this stuff, then I don't think would hurt anything and I would probably only go back a version or two and work my way backwards. That way when you report back about it then the programmers will have some good documentation on what worked and what didn't.

Also the .ini file is only made when you check the box in the options

Good Luck!



Hi James,

I must have been in a fog this morning.

I told you to do things of course you couldn't do.

Mainly because I broke my own rule and didn't cover the basics first.

What is happening is what CCleaner does when the user doesn't have Administrator privileges.

Are you trying to run CCleaner as the Administrator or a user?

I really feel foolish as that is twice today I missed the basics.

James, Right click on that CCleaner icon and then select Run as and take it from there.

First thing to do is Options > Advanced and tick Save to INI file.

Leave that Registry alone for now unless you are an advanced user.Same goes for Tools function.

You are a good new member to offer going back and testing as you were willing to do.

Please stick with this forum we need more just like you.

Again ,Welcome to the forum !!!

I have only been up for 30 hours.Better get some Wheaties and Cheerios and sleep.

Well maybe a cup of coffee first.

:) davey

Once again my sincere thanks to Davey and Vic for their assistance!

The "secret" of getting CCleaner 2.06 to execute properly was quite simple: just going into the Properties of the CCleaner icon and telling it to run with Administrator privileges. Since I am the only Administrator, I was surprised this was necessary. Oh well, live and learn! Thanks for the suggestion!!!

I also implemented your other suggestions. I don't mind editing registries (when necessary) since I have 5+ decades of computer experience. However I prefer using programs (and OSes) which do NOT use a registry. X-Plane and Linux, respectively come to mind. For example I have just received another Raptor HDD. I will have to uninstall and reinstall FSX on my new HDD. But I can merely transfer the X-Plane folders and files to the new HDD. It will be so much faster! And there are no chances of fouling up Vista's registry. IMO there are practically NO good uninstallers. Almost ALL uninstallers leave folders and files behind and plenty of orphan registry entries!

CCleaner 2.06 ran well - particularly the Registry Cleaner. I had to make 3 manual passes before it got rid of all the detected problems in my Vista registry. I wish CCleaner had given me the total amount storage space which had been cleaned.

Many thanks once again from,


Once again my sincere thanks to Davey and Vic for their assistance!

The "secret" of getting CCleaner 2.06 to execute properly was quite simple: just going into the Properties of the CCleaner icon and telling it to run with Administrator privileges. Since I am the only Administrator, I was surprised this was necessary. Oh well, live and learn! Thanks for the suggestion!!!

I also implemented your other suggestions. I don't mind editing registries (when necessary) since I have 5+ decades of computer experience. However I prefer using programs (and OSes) which do NOT use a registry. X-Plane and Linux, respectively come to mind. For example I have just received another Raptor HDD. I will have to uninstall and reinstall FSX on my new HDD. But I can merely transfer the X-Plane folders and files to the new HDD. It will be so much faster! And there are no chances of fouling up Vista's registry. IMO there are practically NO good uninstallers. Almost ALL uninstallers leave folders and files behind and plenty of orphan registry entries!

CCleaner 2.06 ran well - particularly the Registry Cleaner. I had to make 3 manual passes before it got rid of all the detected problems in my Vista registry. I wish CCleaner had given me the total amount storage space which had been cleaned.

Many thanks once again from,


Thanks,James for your follow up.

Your experience makes you a valuable member for our forum.

I wired a couple of EAM boards myself.

Regarding your Administrator privileges,something is not right.

Possibly in CCleaner.There was another gentleman yesterday using 64 bit Vists and I think the same bug is affecting you both.

This info is good to know for the "bug" fixers to track down or at least identify an unknown problem.

CCleaner does report the amount of deleted disk space after you run the Cleaner at the top of the listing.

If you are referring to Registry space,you can use NTREGOPT to compact the Registry and see how much space was recovered.

You may already have ERUNT and NTREGOPT from the author.

If not get them.Small,quick,valuable,and necessary to all users.


For complete Registry Backup and Recovery and Registry optimization.

I recommend that all PC users use ERUNT and NTREGOPT.

ERUNT and NTREGOPT come as a package at this author's website.

ERUNT backs up the Registry and other important files needed for a greater chance of successfull Emergency Recovery.

Select the ERUNT /AUTO backup feature and your Registry will be backed up automatically Once a day each time you restart.

It will automatically delete backups older than 30 days.

NTREGOPT will create a fresh compacted copy of your Registry.To be safe you must REBOOT your computer immediately.

I recommend these two programs because of their outstanding reputation,ease of use,and the rarity of needed updates.

I also recommend using all of the default settings for home users.

Works on all Windows NT OS 32 bit and 64 bit.

The Uninstall function of the Tools feature is quicker and more detailed than the Windows Add/Remove program.It uses whatever uninstaller comes with the Program to be uninstalled.It also allows deleting of entries that have already been uninstalled.

A specialized "Uninstaller" program that does a more thorough job is being used by our members.

It is called Revo Uninstaller and is available here.

Good Luck,

:) davey

P.S. That certainly is an impressive system you've got there.Perhaps if it needs a new home someday...

P.S.S. I recommend, once you get all that squared away,that you make a copy of the CCleaner.ini file and save it .That way if you ever uninstall CCleaner and re-install all you will have to do is copy your saved .ini file back into your new C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder and all your preferences and settings will be restored to CCleaner.