Once again my sincere thanks to Davey and Vic for their assistance!
The "secret" of getting CCleaner 2.06 to execute properly was quite simple: just going into the Properties of the CCleaner icon and telling it to run with Administrator privileges. Since I am the only Administrator, I was surprised this was necessary. Oh well, live and learn! Thanks for the suggestion!!!
I also implemented your other suggestions. I don't mind editing registries (when necessary) since I have 5+ decades of computer experience. However I prefer using programs (and OSes) which do NOT use a registry. X-Plane and Linux, respectively come to mind. For example I have just received another Raptor HDD. I will have to uninstall and reinstall FSX on my new HDD. But I can merely transfer the X-Plane folders and files to the new HDD. It will be so much faster! And there are no chances of fouling up Vista's registry. IMO there are practically NO good uninstallers. Almost ALL uninstallers leave folders and files behind and plenty of orphan registry entries!
CCleaner 2.06 ran well - particularly the Registry Cleaner. I had to make 3 manual passes before it got rid of all the detected problems in my Vista registry. I wish CCleaner had given me the total amount storage space which had been cleaned.
Many thanks once again from,
Thanks,James for your follow up.
Your experience makes you a valuable member for our forum.
I wired a couple of EAM boards myself.
Regarding your Administrator privileges,something is not right.
Possibly in CCleaner.There was another gentleman yesterday using 64 bit Vists and I think the same bug is affecting you both.
This info is good to know for the "bug" fixers to track down or at least identify an unknown problem.
CCleaner does report the amount of deleted disk space after you run the Cleaner at the top of the listing.
If you are referring to Registry space,you can use NTREGOPT to compact the Registry and see how much space was recovered.
You may already have ERUNT and NTREGOPT from the author.
If not get them.Small,quick,valuable,and necessary to all users.
For complete Registry Backup and Recovery and Registry optimization.
I recommend that all PC users use ERUNT and NTREGOPT.
ERUNT and NTREGOPT come as a package at this author's website.
ERUNT backs up the Registry and other important files needed for a greater chance of successfull Emergency Recovery.
Select the ERUNT /AUTO backup feature and your Registry will be backed up automatically Once a day each time you restart.
It will automatically delete backups older than 30 days.
NTREGOPT will create a fresh compacted copy of your Registry.To be safe you must REBOOT your computer immediately.
I recommend these two programs because of their outstanding reputation,ease of use,and the rarity of needed updates.
I also recommend using all of the default settings for home users.
Works on all Windows NT OS 32 bit and 64 bit.
The Uninstall function of the Tools feature is quicker and more detailed than the Windows Add/Remove program.It uses whatever uninstaller comes with the Program to be uninstalled.It also allows deleting of entries that have already been uninstalled.
A specialized "Uninstaller" program that does a more thorough job is being used by our members.
It is called Revo Uninstaller and is available here. http://www.revouninstaller.com/
Good Luck,
P.S. That certainly is an impressive system you've got there.Perhaps if it needs a new home someday...
P.S.S. I recommend, once you get all that squared away,that you make a copy of the CCleaner.ini file and save it .That way if you ever uninstall CCleaner and re-install all you will have to do is copy your saved .ini file back into your new C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder and all your preferences and settings will be restored to CCleaner.