CCleaner 2.04 faster, but still...

First of all, I very much like the new feature that indicates what is being cleaned at the moment.

Observing this, I found that all cleaning activities are very quick, except Startup Shortcuts. It stays very long doing this, at least four progress bar rotations.

Why is this? I do not have many startup items; they are in fact quite reduced with the help of Autoruns. 37 Startup in total, 12 of which are disabled. All startup items exist.

Sorry, the above is incorrect! It is the Start Menu Shortcuts that are taking long. Maybe I do have a very long start menu (All Users, and my own), but still I think it shouldn't take that long to check the Start menu items. (Desktop Shortcuts is very quick, and I have a lot of shortcuts on my desktop.)

Desktop Shortcuts slow it down as well, probably because it has to check each shortcut one at a time and make sure they go somewhere. You really shouldn't need it on all the time unless you've just uninstalled something and had changed the shortcuts to it.

Definitely helps that 2.04 shows what it is doing.

Sorry, the above is incorrect! It is the Start Menu Shortcuts that are taking long. Maybe I do have a very long start menu (All Users, and my own), but still I think it shouldn't take that long to check the Start menu items. (Desktop Shortcuts is very quick, and I have a lot of shortcuts on my desktop.)


I am not sure if this will speed things up for you or not.

It did for my system.I am using Win XP SP3 BETA.( SP 2 when I used this option the first time.).

Try ticking the box for User Assist History under Advanced cleaning options.

Warning message will come up when you do.

Inexperienced users are advised that it will temporarily empty their list of most frequently used promams in the Start Menu.They will start to refill the list as they run these programs from the Desktop

or the All Programs menu on the Start Menu.

This cleaned out hundreds of entries built up over 3.5 years of use.

REMEMBER to uncheck this box after using it or the list will be cleaned each time you use the Cleaner function.

Hope this speeds things up for you like it did for me.

:) davey

Sorry, the above is incorrect! It is the Start Menu Shortcuts that are taking long.

That's what I discovered not so long ago too, which is why I untick Start Menu Shortcuts for regular CCleaner usage and only enable it after I uninstall something.