ccleaner 1.30.310 secure file deletion VS Tracks Eraser Pro

Well boys and girls, it would seem that the current version of CCleaner isn't as great at secure file deletion as it should be! I've been using the new Opera 9 and, until recently, I wasn't able to clear its tracks under WinXP using Tracks Eraser Pro, more about that shortly. So I set the secure deletion to 1 pass and CCleaner cleans up X-amount of megabytes of Opera junk. Later on, I'm using Opera again, and then I think, Hey, I'll look at the cleaning path of Opera in CCleaner and transfer that to Tracks Eraser Pro and maybe that will help me... so, as you may know, under WinXP, the Opera cleaning path is

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\cache4

... which TEP doesn't automatically detect, you have to set it manually. Anyway, after I've finished using Opera and everything else I do a test erase with TEP, and waddya know, it brings up some 270-odd megabytes of junk! Most of that was the Opera tracks, I believe... with a "proper" erase it was over 250mb, still mostly Opera... which leads me to conclude as per above: ccleaner really doesn't clean as well as has been hyped! :lol::rolleyes: HOWEVER, I still use it, as well as Disk Cleaner and TEP, as they each clean up the tracks that the other has missed.

*sits back and waits for the refutations to flood in* :rolleyes:

... Later on, I'm using Opera again ... after I've finished using Opera and everything else I do a test erase with TEP

Not refuting you (I don't use Opera) but when in this sequence of events did you re-run CCleaner?