CC will not clean temporary internet files

I have used CC and been please until recently. I used the option to do custom scans and made sure to include Local Settings Temporary Internet files. For some reason, CC cannot clean the files. Run analyze again, those files are still present, no matter how many times I seek to cleanse them. I had trouble with a hacker about a month ago and worry the temporary files might be used to place a virus/worm, etc.

i dont get how placing a file in Internet Temporary files would do anything but w/e

open CCleaner, go to Options, then Advanced and check the option that says detailed log of Internet Explorer Temporary files

just so you know, CCleaner already cleans that folder.

I have used CC and been please until recently. I used the option to do custom scans and made sure to include Local Settings Temporary Internet files. For some reason, CC cannot clean the files. Run analyze again, those files are still present, no matter how many times I seek to cleanse them. I had trouble with a hacker about a month ago and worry the temporary files might be used to place a virus/worm, etc.

CC is not cleaning Temporary Internet files. CC runs, but those files remain.

Try deleting them manually. Then do some surfing for about a day or so and then see if it will remove them. Also try reinstalling CCleaner if that dosent work.

To clear temporary internet files manually in Internet Explorer go to Tools>Internet Options>Delete files.

Let us know if it starts to work.

Try deleting them manually. Then do some surfing for about a day or so and then see if it will remove them. Also try reinstalling CCleaner if that dosent work.

To clear temporary internet files manually in Internet Explorer go to Tools>Internet Options>Delete files.

Let us know if it starts to work.

I found this problem when I was using other cleaners also & that's how I came across CCleaner because I thought THEY were faulty. (I could not delete them manually) Instead I think their (mine) were infected with something. They were usually Gifs that wouldn't delete. So I found a "workaround" & made a shortcut to the temp folder which I keep on my desktop & use my "Eraser" program to erase them. It's free.


Just for those few leftover temp files when the need arises. Sure hope I'm not breaking any rules here by putting the broken link here. Delete the spaces. http: //www. heidi .ie/eraser /download .php

Hope this helps, signed, a user who likes & uses CCleaner meadowmuffin


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ee cummings (1894-1962)