CC Registry Cleaner/Repair Feature - Help?

Does anyone out there have any experience using the CC Registry Repair function and if so, would you be willing to share the Pro's and Con's? I've been using CC to clean my browser history for some time but have never had the courage to use the Registry Cleaner/Repair feature. I now have a problem with my MSN Premium e-mail SW, it freezes up IE when I try to log on, that I've told is being caused due to a problem with my registry. Thanks!

As long as you backup the entries (I suggest doing them in small bits (checkmark by checkmark) and ONLY REMOVE THAT WHICH YOU KNOW YOU DON"T NEED

you'll be fine. see My signature.

Oh yeah It is not a repair it'll delete the entries that it believe's are not needed

As long as you backup the entries (I suggest doing them in small bits (checkmark by checkmark) and ONLY REMOVE THAT WHICH YOU KNOW YOU DON"T NEED

you'll be fine. see My signature.

Oh yeah It is not a repair it'll delete the entries that it believe's are not needed

Thanks for the input Nergal! This is my first post here and I'm absolutely amazed at all of the great informaton that's available regarding this product. Thanks again for your help, I'll be very careful.