hi all. had no problems with CCleaner until yesterday. been running it with 3pass secure file deletion, wiping free space and MFT options both ticked and all fine. updated my anti virus (nod) to latest version and CC takes for ever to complete a run, even if single pass used. thinking that maybe the new version of nod was the cause, i completely removed it, used the cleaner, and scanned/cleaned the registry. all appears to be fine but CC still as slow as hell, like 1 minute to scan a single drive (70gig) in single pass! also tried deselecting the wipe free space and MFT options but just as slow. any others got this prob? anyone know the solution? be obliged for any advice offered.
just an update guys. seems that the problem is to do with when CC cleans the history in windows 7. have tried to include a pic of where the slowdown occurs. untick the 'history' option and CC runs fine. assume now that this is yet again a typical c**k-up by Microsoft, through windows update. remember reading where Microsoft are doing their best to encourage everyone to move to at least IE7, stopping support for IE5 and IE6. seems strange when i haven't had IE5 on the machine at all and only IE8, obviously, in windows 7. i am dual-booting and using IE7 on windows XP without any problem.
Of course, CCleaner's cleaning function will in deed be slower if you use secure deletion types. Have you tried ticking it back to normal file deletions??? Maybe that will make the cleaning go back to normal speed. It is stated there that secure deletions even the 1-pass type will be slower than normal file deletion.
And please, having the wipe free space option ticked will in deed make the cleaning take a lot more time.
Having the Wipe Free Space and Wipe MFT space checked are not really advisable to be done on every cleaning operation as the those options should be done with caution cause they can shorten the life of your hard drive.
hi. you have either misunderstood or i have not explained properly. i have always used CC with the options mentioned enabled since being available. i didn't just change them. the slow down has come now, for what ever reason. having checked through things, i had to apply a win7 image. all is ok atm but i have yet to apply any windows updates. i have done updates for other programs without problems so far. will post back if there are problems after applying windows updates.
to be honest, i didn't realise straight away that it was enabled. have turned off now anyway. so, after doing the ghost, i installed updates to the software i use and the windows updates, running CC then doing reboots after each. atm, all seems ok. dont know what caused the problem, but will keep my eye open to see if anything similar happens at a later date. gonna do a new ghost now to preserve the updates done.