cc not cleanng cache?

I am using win 7 home and after running cc it says everthing iv ticked has been deleted.

Yesterday I double checked by using mcafee quick clean and it found 2348 items in internet explorer. all of these items related to cache whatever that is supposed to mean.

Could anyone please explain this conundrum.

As the items you have forund were in a different program (macafee quick clean) it would be difficult for us to know what cache they were referring to.

internet explorer cache is not being cleaned by cc but is being cleaned by mcafee

What CC options are you using?

Show a screenshot of you Windows tab and Applications tab from CC.

Have you unticked those 2 'leave last 24 hours' options?

I have run the Registry Cleaner multiple times and it fixes everything but:

ActiveX/COM Issue InProcServer32\C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Internet Security\Engine64\\McStatus.dll HKCR\CLSID\{09D32393-10DA-4eca-91AA-AD11C69DB966}

I contacted Norton and they say everything is OK on their end but this .dll wont go away...any suggestions?

Please start your own thread JJ as it only muddies the waters for the original poster.

Plus, yours is a different issue.

Norton won't let you remove it, right click in ccleaner and add it to excludes. Please read my signature for further advice on registry cleaner, and if you've further query, as advised by MTA, start a new topic dedicated to your issue.