CC & Microsoft Natural Multimedia Keyboard

Help me please. I ran CCleaner v1.37.456 and it seems to have wiped out all of the programmed functionality of my keyboard. Even after reinstalling the keyboard driver none of my non-standard keys operate any more. Keys like the volume controlls, Web/Home, media, "My Documents", etc. Even the dual-function F-keys such as the F7/Reply or F2/Undo no longer work.

I suspect a registry entry issue, but not sure.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


If you used CCleaner "Issues" clean, restore from the backup it asked you to create.

If you used CCleaner "Issues" clean, restore from the backup it asked you to create.

I followed your suggestion, but no joy.




Just press the "F-Lock" key at the top left of your keyboard, this fixes it for me at least. CCleaner somewhat disables / enables it randomly...

I followed your suggestion, but no joy.




Just press the "F-Lock" key at the top left of your keyboard, this fixes it for me at least. CCleaner somewhat disables / enables it randomly...

Nope. Thanks. My F-keys do indeed have two functions, but they aren't the only keys affected. Also the affected are the reprogramable keys such as "My Documents", "Media" (and associated keys like vol up & vol dwn), "Mail", etc.