CC Crash in 3.08.1475 on Win XP SP3

Under Tools - Uninstall, click sort by date, then app will crash.

Sorry to hear that you are having problems with the Uninstall screen.

Unfortunately we haven't been able to reproduce this problem.

Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of XP?

Is it Home or Professional?


Sorry to hear that you are having problems with the Uninstall screen.

Unfortunately we haven't been able to reproduce this problem.

Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of XP?

Is it Home or Professional?


32-bit XP Pro

It happens when I clicked on Install Date to sort by date.

Error message:

AtlThrow: hr = 0x80070057

CCleaner v3.08.1475

MS Windows XP Professional SP3

Intel Core2 CPU T7400 @ 2.16GHz


NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300


My desktop is running XP Pro SP3 32-bit and I tested your issue in CC 3.08 this afternoon. The sorting worked fine - no crash. I repeatedly clicked on the column heading and the date sort order reversed itself each time as expected.

I would suggest running msconfig and temporarily disabling all the startup items to see if it makes a difference.

do you have an item that ccleaner lists as no date?

do you have an item that ccleaner lists as no date?

Just to help diagnosis - I am running XP Pro 32 bit, SP3.

I have an item in my uninstall list with no date, and the sort works correctly when I click the "Install Date" column header. Tried several times - no crashes.


Is your title wrong ?

I think this problem occurs on previous versions where there is a date abnormality.

It is not specific to version 3.08.1475

CCleaner can get you to Add/Remove capability infinitely faster than Native Windows,

and perhaps CCleaner takes a bit of a short cut that goes wrong when Windows accepts an install and cannot remember when.

I'll try to track down the thread with the person with the same issue as you, I believe that the developers are looking into this issue.

Same symptoms here. CCleaner reports Critical Error when attempting to arrange the Uninstall list by Install Date. The button provided to report the error doesn't produce any network traffic, so I'm guessing the reporting feature is also broken. FWIW, I do have several programs with blank install dates.

AtlThrow: hr = 0x80004005

CCleaner v3.08.1475

MS Windows XP Professional SP3

Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.40GHz


ATI Radeon X300/X550/X1050 Series


The developers read all threads, so they may well be working on this issue

FWIW, xp home here, several entries w/ no date, all the sort categories work fine.

I get the same thing!

AtlThrow: hr = 0x80004005

CCleaner v3.08.1475

MS Windows XP Home SP2

Intel Pentium M processor 1.70GHz


Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller


I also had a similar error when just running ccleaner from the right-click menu on the recycle bin.

My solution to the error is to revert back to 3.07 for now.