I am a satisfied customer for years but I am having a problem since I downloaded the latest version and tried to run it tonight.
As it started cleaning it went to the Windows Temp and ran into a CbsProvider.DLL created on May 25, 2015 and just stopped.
Since it was probably from something I was doing on the internet on 5-25 I deleted it and it went to the recycle bin.
I started CC Cleaner again and ran into the same thing when it hit the program in the recycle bin.
Is it CC Cleaner or is it the file that is slowing down my computer online.
It just stops there and won't do anything.
I have been watching a lot of videos from Youtube lately and sending them to my Chromecast.
Would that cause problems with CC Cleaner?
I have a Lavasoft Anti Virus program that has an issue with Chromecast.
Steve T