Cc Cleaner Issues(help)

over the last couple of months i can't get my cc cleaner to work. everytime it's about ready to finish cleaning i get a window. a window saying cc cleaner has encountered a problem. i uninstalled and then reinstalled many times...i can't understand what is wrong

Hello myth and welcome to the forum :)

Is this problem just when you do an issues scan, or does it happen when you analyse as well? (See here for the difference)

What does the error message in the window say?

Have you any other problems with your computer?

Are you using XP?

Which browser do you use, Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox,or Opera?

Hello myth and welcome to the forum :)

Is this problem just when you do an issues scan, or does it happen when you analyse as well? (See here for the difference)

What does the error message in the window say?

Have you any other problems with your computer?

Are you using XP?

Which browser do you use, Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox,or Opera?

i use ie and firefox...but you definitely say that firefox is my default browser. no i haven't issues like this before.

1.What does the window message say?

2. Does it happen when you press the "analyse" button to clean?

3. Does it happen when you press the "scan for issues" button?

4.. Have you scanned your computer for viruses lately?

1.What does the window message say?

2. Does it happen when you press the "analyse" button to clean?

3. Does it happen when you press the "scan for issues" button?

4.. Have you scanned your computer for viruses lately?

i have not scanned for anything lately.

it does NOT happen when i scan for issues.

it does NOT happen when i press the analyse button

the window says what all of those encountered a problem windows say...would you like to send this error report to microsoft blah blah blah...nothing about what actually happened...i've noticed that this problem only happens when it has to clean more than 100mb

Just an idea - try removing ALL of the junk that you can manually, via the browsers internal tools. 100MB is a huge amount to have lying around. I agree that a full virus/spyware scan is logical. Use the most current definitions for this. You do not mention the version of Windows and that could be a contributor if it is not fully up to date. I usually run CCleaner once a day, btw. We also use AdAware as our other tool on a daily basis. Hope this gets you started in the right direction.

Just an idea - try removing ALL of the junk that you can manually, via the browsers internal tools.

That does sometimes allow CCleaner to function correctly if it is producing a crash on some systems, most notably if manually deleting all the removable not in-use files located in the system mapped temp folder.

100MB is a huge amount to have lying around.

Not really. I have temp internet files set to use a maximum of 150Mb, only takes a couple of days browsing without running CCleaner to build that amount up.