Cc Cleaner data

Hello together , cam smb help me with this error code ?

„ Oops! Our licensing system encountered an error and couldn't

continue, Please try again a bit later.

(If the issue persists, please contact our Customer Support team for


Error code: 0x4

Error description: Das System kann die Datei nicht offnen.  „

Is this happening when you are trying to register a licence?

If so then it may be a case of just trying again later.

There does seem to be an ongoing issue with the licencing registration servers, the Piriform staff are aware of it.

You can contact customer support using the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom of this page:

Or by sending an email to:

I tried many times but to activate but this problem continueous telling i also deleted its trial 12 days and reset my pc but not works what i do of this problem!!

If its bug please remove it my pc in danger!!