Thanks again for everyone's advice and support. I appreciate it. If I ever get this solved, I'll post my solution.
Well it's not a solution per se but here's a link to Microsoft's Knowledgebase:
And the latest version of Windows Installer: (nice and friendly URL ...)
If you did Windows Update lately this might be already installed.
And then a few suggestions too ...
You can hack and work hard to try to uproot the problem ... or you could use Window's System restore function ... do you know how to?
Using the "old" start menu:
Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System tools --> System Restore
Or the "new" start menu:
Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> System tools --> System Restore
After that just follow the prompts, select a previous date and see if that helps ![;)]()
If you're really stuck you might need to start your PC in safe mode ...
Press F8 just before seeing the Windows XP logo (might take a little practice!)
After that click on your account, type in your password (if needed). You should then be prompted to either use safe mode or use system restore ...
Hopefully this will give you that little push you need ![;)]()
The best of luck and keep us posted if you get out of your jam ![:)]()
P.S.: In retrospect, since the latest Windows Installer (version 3.1) came out really recently, it might have something to do with your problem. It might not be the source of it but it's perhaps related. I'll keep on searching for someone who has had the same problem as you and was kind enough to post the solution. If I do find it, I'll post it here fer sure ![:)]()