cc cleaner causing problems

I installed CC Cleaner after seeing a favorable reference to it on another forum. Now every time I start my computer or activate Spyware Blaster to check for updates, I get a dialog box that tells me the feature I am trying to use is on a cd-rom (it isn't) and I need to insert the "Backup Dell-installed programs" disk and click ok (I don't). When I try to cancel or X out of this dialog box, it just loops through the same dialog box several times. Takes 3 or 4 times of canceling/Xing out to get it to go away.

I have tried deleting CC Cleaner, restoring to two different prior dates, re-installing CC Cleaner--nothing works. Everything worked just fine for a long time until I installed CC Cleaner. When will I learn?

Anyone have a idea how I can get this dialog box to go away permanently?

You need to supply more info:

- OS version

- A screenshot of the problem

Operating system is Windows XP (home). Dell P4, 1.6g, 512 ram

How do you do a screen shot?

I am using Firefox 1.05, Zone Alarm (free edition), AdAware, Spybot S&D, Spyware Blaster, Spyware Guard, D-Link router. Keep all up to date. Never a problem in close to four years until I installed CC Cleaner a couple of days ago. Then I started getting the following dialog box on boot up or on starting Spyware Blaster to check for updates:


The feature you are trying to use is on a cd-rom or other removable disk that is not available.

Insert the "Backup Dell-installed programs" disk and click ok.

Use source 1"

When I try to cancel or X out of this dialog box I get "Error 1706, No valid source could be found for product backup Dell-installed programs. The Windows Installer cannot continue."

It repeats 3 or 4 times before Cancel/X out finally gets it to goes away. I am not trying to install anything and don't need Windows Installer. CC Cleaner works fine. I haven't been able to locate my Backup Dell-installed programs disk yet, but doubt it would do any good.

Can anyone help? Thanks

I also had what sounds like the same thing a couple of years ago, however it was with Office 2003. I could only find one solution to end the annoyance which was to copy the whole CD to it's very own unique folder on the hard disk.


Try this:

1. Insert the needed CD into your CD drive.

2. Open Notepad and input the next two lines:

MD "C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs"

XCOPY /I /H /E /V "E:\*.*" "C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs\"

Note: Replace E: with your actual CD drive letter.

3. Save the file on the desktop as (use the quotation marks):

"Copy CD.bat"

4. Double-click Copy CD.bat, it will now automatically copy all of the contents including hidden and system files from the CD to:

C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs

5. Do whatever it was you were doing to cause the needed CD dialog to happen again, if it asks for a source or allows you to select a new source select the folder:

C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs

If the dialog allows you to select the new source you shouldn't see a prompt to insert that particular CD again.

Note: If for some reason this doesn't work you can delete the folder.

Operating system is Windows XP (home). Dell P4, 1.6g, 512 ram


When I try to cancel or X out of this dialog box I get "Error 1706, No valid source could be found for product backup Dell-installed programs. The Windows Installer cannot continue."

1706 is (to my knowledge) an Office error. It's looking for the source CD (err... the office CD) to install/reinstall different elements. It might also have something to do with Microsoft's Window Installer; it's been updated recently.

Ironically I've seen a machine that had a problem running ... SpywareBlaster ... because of the dreaded 1706 error. But you can still cancel the message it eventually dissapears (until such time you try to run SpywareBlaster again). I fixed that up by uninstalling and reinstalling office. Not always an alternative.

If you can, you can also try to repair office (you will need the office CD-Rom):

Start whichever office application --> ? (help menu) --> Detect & Repair.

Ah, one small detail about MS Office ... there's loads of different versions out there. You need to insert the EXACT office CD or this will not work.

By the way, Andavari's solution surely won't hurt. I would try it out first.

P.S.: Did you program CCleaner to clean on startup? If you did I would deactivate it (if possible) until this whole issue is cleared out.

Thanks to all for the solutions. My bride and I have torn this house apart, but I still can't seem to locate my Backup Dell installed programs disk. Any ideas how I could get rid of this repeating dialog box and error 1706 without it? I tried going back to Dell, but got only offshore tech support who didn't have the slightest idea what I was talking about and transferred me to another que so I would give up in frustration, which I did.

I do not have MS Office installed and have no idea what I did to get this started. I'm a newbie in this forum, but I've been around Windows and computers for many years. Somehow, this one got by me.

Thanks again for everyone's advice and support. I appreciate it. If I ever get this solved, I'll post my solution.

Thanks again for everyone's advice and support. I appreciate it. If I ever get this solved, I'll post my solution.

Well it's not a solution per se but here's a link to Microsoft's Knowledgebase:

And the latest version of Windows Installer: (nice and friendly URL ...)

If you did Windows Update lately this might be already installed.

And then a few suggestions too ...

You can hack and work hard to try to uproot the problem ... or you could use Window's System restore function ... do you know how to?

Using the "old" start menu:

Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System tools --> System Restore

Or the "new" start menu:

Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> System tools --> System Restore

After that just follow the prompts, select a previous date and see if that helps ;)

If you're really stuck you might need to start your PC in safe mode ...

Press F8 just before seeing the Windows XP logo (might take a little practice!)

After that click on your account, type in your password (if needed). You should then be prompted to either use safe mode or use system restore ...

Hopefully this will give you that little push you need ;)

The best of luck and keep us posted if you get out of your jam :)

P.S.: In retrospect, since the latest Windows Installer (version 3.1) came out really recently, it might have something to do with your problem. It might not be the source of it but it's perhaps related. I'll keep on searching for someone who has had the same problem as you and was kind enough to post the solution. If I do find it, I'll post it here fer sure :)

Yes, I have restored twice, but neither helped. Still get the dialog/error boxes even though I went back 10 days the second restore (had to update everything again). I'll check out the Win Installer. Thanks for the ideas.

If you don't have or want Microsoft Office, you can use this Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to rid yourself of this annoyance. After installing it, you'll find it at the bottom of your Start Menu (not even in a folder). Find and remove all Microsoft Office-related lines in the utility and remove them. Then you can install AbiWord or OpenOffice as a replacement.

Brucer are you still there?

Anyways I am now convinced Spyware blaster is to blame:

Running SpywareBlaster? launches an installation program

The problem is that the Spyware Blaster developpers don't seem to care too much and just suggest ... to uninstall and then reinstall office. Yeah. Great help that'll do if you don't have the original office CD ...

So try uninstalling SpywareBlaster then. I Think Spbot Search & Destroy does the same (innoculation I think it's called) so you'll be protected anyways.

Good luck!!! B)

Well with Office 2003 the problem comes from other disk cleaning programs deleting opa11.bak, deleting that file will cause some programs to request the Office 2003 install CD, I suspect some programs need a file *.dll, or *.ocx that's normally installed by Office to run, prime example being mscomctl.ocx.

I don't know if opa11.bak exists in other versions of Office or if it does what the actual name would be, however Office 2003 installs it into:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\

For Office 2003 the following two files should be left alone and not deleted:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\

* opa11.dat

* opa11.bak

Obi Wan Celeri: It was not caused by Spywareblaster, it cannot be fixed by the developer of Spywareblaster, and it is not Spywareblaster's problem, at all.

PS: This is my last post ever. Please don't muck up this thread by posting a bunch of crap about me leaving and how I shouldn't and blah blah, because I'm not even going to be here to read it, don't care much, and I hate it when people ruin the thread of someone who is trying to get support, so don't even think about it. If anyone wants to talk to me, visit my site.

brucer, I hope your problem gets resolved soon. Know that it is neither CCleaner nor Spywareblaster's issue, it is only a coincidence. I see this all the time (and it's always a different program each time that triggers this behavior in MS Office. I have a post about this exact issue somewhere, someone will probably dig it up for you).

Bye all.

I guess this is the post DJ was referring to, hope it helps: