It's been fewdasy after I've installed the CC cleaner on my Android smartphone..It worked fine and hadn't any issue until I install the {Removed} apk. When I run the CC cleaner it always delete the {Removed} apk and also some of my photos. Is this because download source {Link Removed} is malicious or app not being the Google play app?
CCleaner is not an Antivirus/AntiMalware product.
It does not remove things because they are 'malicious', it doesn't even know if something is malicious or not.
CCleaner does not know, or care, where you got an app from.
CCleaner removes junk and temporary files by filetype or by removing them from certain locations. (Either standard junk storage locations, or locations specified by you).
If you have downloaded an apk, or saved/downloaded some photos, to one of those locations then it will likely be cleaned.
Having said that - the website you linked is blocked by some AVs/AMs as a site known for Phishing, so I have removed the link and the name of the apk.
It may well be that it is some other security app, or Android itself, (not CCleaner) that is removing the installed apk, I'm not sure about the photos.