CC 5.44.6575: /Auto and Trash Bin Context "Run" no longer works

This applies to Windows 10x64 Pro Build 17134.137 Build 1803 with CCleaner V5.44.6575 Free on 3 different PC systems.

Bug 1: The /auto command line results in CCleaner starting and then promptly closing without any cleaning performed.

Bug 2: The "Run CCleaner" context switch on the Recyle/Trash Bin results in CCleaner starting and then promptly closing without any cleaning performed

I tried completely uninstalling CCleaner and then re-installing it and this did not resolve the problem.

I got the same problem and also the /shutdown command doens't work eather.

I changed back to version 5.43 and have no problems-

Hey guys,

I'm going to hazard a guess at a few things:

  1. Did you just update CCleaner Professional, Business or Technician Edition?
  2. Do you have Malwarebytes installed?
  3. Is the Ransomware Protection feature enabled in Malwarebytes?
  4. Do you have a 64-bit version of Windows?

If so, the Malwarebytes anti-ransomware feature has broken the CCleaner automatic update and also deleted the CCleaner.exe executable (leaving only CCleaner64.exe). The executable it deleted is used for certain functions of CCleaner. To resolve, please download and install

Hi. Been using this command-line in a batch file for years.. not using Malwarebytes.. using Ccleaner free.

"c:\program files\ccleaner\CCleaner64.exe" /auto

As of 5.44 ccleaner seems to launch for a millisecond then die.

Reverting to 5.43 restores desired behavior (the /auto) works.

Plz advise, thanks! /jim

1 hour ago, Stephen Piriform said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hey guys,

		I'm going to hazard a guess at a few things:

			Did you just update CCleaner <strong>Professional</strong>, <strong>Business</strong> or <strong>Technician</strong> Edition?
			Do you have <strong>Malwarebytes</strong> installed?
			Is the <strong>Ransomware Protection</strong> feature enabled in Malwarebytes?
			Do you have a <strong>64-bit </strong>version of Windows?
		If so, the Malwarebytes anti-ransomware feature has broken the CCleaner automatic update and also deleted the CCleaner.exe executable (leaving only CCleaner64.exe). The executable it deleted is used for certain functions of CCleaner. To resolve, please download and install <a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>

1. I am running the FREE version of CCleaner

2. I have Malwarebytes 3 installed; however, I have no protection modules enabled and Malwarebytes is not running automatically. I use it only to scan my system on demand.

3. I am running Windows 10x64 Pro Build 17134.137 Version 1803.

I reverted back to CCleaner V5.43 and all is working properly. Something is broken in V5.44.6575.

I,m using the pro version under Windows 64 Pro Build 17134.137 Version 1803.

There is something wrong with ccleaner v544, as version 5.43 is doing well.

By the way the /reastart command line was doing well.

As you suggested, I installed it complete new, now it is running well. So the update didn't work exact.

In addition to the "subject line" problems add right-click 'Run Ccleaner' from the Taskbar and right-click "Run Cleaner" from the system tray on Windows 10 1803. I am NOT running Malwarebytes. The problem is with CC 5.44.6575. Everything works for me when I revert back to CC 5.43.xxxx.

I can confirm the bugs!

1. Free

2. No, just Windows Defender

3. No

4. Yes, Windows 10 Pro 1803 64-bit

On 27.6.2018 at 07:24, siliconman01 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I tried completely uninstalling CCleaner and then re-installing it and this did not resolve the problem. 

I can confirm that also.

Same here, Windows sometimes reports it as an application error and generates .dmp files.

1. No? - just updated Free version.

2. Yes - Malwarebytes is installed.

3. No - Malwarebytes is running in Free mode with no services running.

4. Yes - Win 7 64-bit

Same issue here on Windows 10x64 Pro Build 17134.137 Build 1803 with CCleaner V5.44.6575 Free

No issues on Windows 7 (6.1 Build 7601:Service Pack 1) x64 Professional (running on real metal - no VM).

  1. Did you just update CCleaner Professional, Business or Technician Edition? (Not applicable)
  2. Do you have Malwarebytes installed? No
  3. Is the Ransomware Protection feature enabled in Malwarebytes? (Not applicable)
  4. Do you have a 64-bit version of Windows? Yes

Same Problems!

for the Momet i go back to 5.43.

True the last update no longer works with the switches. the command is ignored

on Win 10 Pro 64 bit I used

@echo on

cd C:\Program Files\CCleaner

start CCleaner.exe  /AUTO /SHUTDOWN


When I reverted to the prev release v5.46.6522 the switches worked again.

Malwarebytes is not installed

free version of Ccleaner

I'm getting the exact same problem with this latest upgrade V5.44.6575-am running Win10.

There is obviously a problem with this latest version-can we expect another upgrade correcting this latest one?

Also here.

With version 5.44 on Windows 7 Pro 32bit right clicking on the Recycle Bin and selecting "Run CCleaner" causes the

cCleaner icon to appear briefly in the Notification Area.

If I then open cCleaner and select Analyse (or Run Cleaner) I see that my system has not been cleaned.

Running cCleaner at this point will clean the system.

Same here, Free version, Win 10 x64 (1803), Malwarebytes installed, ccleaner64 being used.

Any chance of Piriform getting this fixed for 5.45?

Every version of ccleaner has worked seamlessly up until 5.44 with the command line switches. I've had to revert to 5.43.

Love your software by the way.


On 6/27/2018 at 11:14, Stephen Piriform said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hey guys,

		I'm going to hazard a guess at a few things:

			Did you just update CCleaner <strong>Professional</strong>, <strong>Business</strong> or <strong>Technician</strong> Edition?
			Do you have <strong>Malwarebytes</strong> installed?
			Is the <strong>Ransomware Protection</strong> feature enabled in Malwarebytes?
			Do you have a <strong>64-bit </strong>version of Windows?
		If so, the Malwarebytes anti-ransomware feature has broken the CCleaner automatic update and also deleted the CCleaner.exe executable (leaving only CCleaner64.exe). The executable it deleted is used for certain functions of CCleaner. To resolve, please download and install <a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>

Well, that's a mess! Now I've got CC Pro on my system and no way to downgrade to the free version! Other than a complete uninstall which looks like it will lose all my carefully derived settings! BAD ADVICE, STEPHEN.

And it didn't fix the problem. Even with ccleaner.exe in place, using the Recycle Bin context menu to "Run CCleaner" will not empty the bin. Opening CC and telling it to "Run" works fine. This is with MBAM Anti-Ransomware "off", Win 10 Pro x64.

Hi everyone,

Malwarebytes has been removing the CCleaner.exe executable during the automatic update process (a feature of the Pro/Business/Tech edition only), and that is used for some functions of CCleaner. This was producing the behaviour described.

In this case, there is another cause which is an update to Windows 10 (build 1803) that is breaking this functionality. We are working on this issue currently and anticipate a fix for the v5.46 release (release after the next one).

@Arbie you can return to the pure Free edition by uninstalling Pro and installing Free from If you never purchased a Pro license, your product will not have activated Pro features anyway, it will basically be the Free edition of the software.

Thanks for the update Stephen!

1 hour ago, Stephen Piriform said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hi everyone,

		Malwarebytes has been removing the CCleaner.exe executable during the automatic update process (a feature of the Pro/Business/Tech edition only), and that is used for some functions of CCleaner. This was producing the behaviour described.

		In this case, there is another cause which is an update to Windows 10 (build 1803) that is breaking this functionality. We are working on this issue currently and anticipate a fix for the v5.46 release (release after the next one).

		<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/58145-arbie/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="58145" href="<___base_url___>/profile/58145-arbie/" rel="">@Arbie</a> you can return to the pure Free edition by uninstalling Pro and installing Free from If you never purchased a Pro license, your product will not have activated Pro features anyway, it will basically be the Free edition of the software.

1 hour ago, Stephen Piriform said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hi everyone,

		Malwarebytes has been removing the CCleaner.exe executable during the automatic update process (a feature of the Pro/Business/Tech edition only), and that is used for some functions of CCleaner. This was producing the behaviour described.

		In this case, there is another cause which is an update to Windows 10 (build 1803) that is breaking this functionality. We are working on this issue currently and anticipate a fix for the v5.46 release (release after the next one).

		<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/58145-arbie/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="58145" href="<___base_url___>/profile/58145-arbie/" rel="">@Arbie</a> you can return to the pure Free edition by uninstalling Pro and installing Free from If you never purchased a Pro license, your product will not have activated Pro features anyway, it will basically be the Free edition of the software.

in my case I am not using Malwarebytes. can you read up and respond

On 6/30/2018 at 18:58, javagate said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		 True the last update no longer works with the switches.   the command is ignored 

		on Win 10 Pro 64 bit I used

		@echo on

		cd C:\Program Files\CCleaner

		start CCleaner.exe  /AUTO /SHUTDOWN


		When I reverted to the prev release v5.46.6522 the switches worked again.

		Malwarebytes is not installed 

		free version of Ccleaner 

@Stephen Piriform any ideas?