Catalina "Apple cannot check it for malicious software" error [solution]

Just renewed my pro licence and downloaded the latest version but Apple OS won't allow it to install fully. Screenshot of popup message attached. Fix or return my money.

CC Cleaner Screenshot 2020-01-29 .png

@Mike J H: apparently this issue is not unique to CCleaner. Seems similar to the Windows 10 "S Mode" where users are locked to installing software from their app store. Have you tried the solutions in this article here: ?

I have a new iMac 21.5. I downloaded CClearner for Mac but it will not open to clean. I get the following message. "CCleaner can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for Malicious software". This doesn't sound right - how is it corrected?

This is an issue with MAC (Catalina?) itself and will also affect other software and not just CCleaner.

I purchased CCleaner pro for mac and when I try to install the following message appears

“” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software

Cleaner needs update" " Contact provider of app"

Any suggestions??

It's a known issue with Apple Gateway not allowing programmes that are not from the appstore to be installed.

See this for more information and how to get around it:

Thanks , worked well and now up and running