Car being hacked

This video shows what the future may hold unless car computer systems get protection

One has to ask why the designers and integrators are stupid enough to make systems that allow this type access in the first place.

There was a thing on TV stating the navigation units could have most info stolen off them from where you've been, address/phone listings, etc. Then they got into talking about if a car thief steals your car and if your car has built into the nav a return to home feature (ie.; shows you on the nav screen where you physically live) the thief could then break into your house which is even more troubling if the nav can also open your garage door.

Classic computer-less cars anyone?

Why do you want one of the onboard networked-together computers to be opening the garage door? Can't that be separate thing like it always has?

Why do you want one of the onboard networked-together computers to be opening the garage door? Can't that be separate thing like it always has?

Market Research has determined that

An auto-pilot system to take the drunk driver home is no good if it cannot land the vehicle in the garage and then tuck the driver into bed.

Great post Hazel, thank you for sharing it with us. I'm with Andavari, let's retreat to the past. Just cost my brother-in-law $450.00 to repair chips and had to tear half the engine out to access them. I've already said computers in whatever form or application represents the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse. Everyone take care.


I am so against the ingress of technology into cars just for it's own sake.. Safety improvements yes, but ...

I hate automatic lights, automatic wipers, automatic air conditioning, in fact automatic anything. I like to decide things for myself and switch them on and off myself.

So there's usually an override, but some automatic things just don't work. My last car, a Citroen C4, had an automatic "Intermittent Wipe" system. And there was no override for this.

The intermittent delay was governed by the speed of the car, not by the amount of rain on the screen, which meant at 70mph with only a few drops of rain coming down, the wiper was going almost as fast as the normal wipe, and just juddered all the time.

Totally and absolutely useless.

Before I got my latest car, I looked at a Ford Focus, which had a "Voice Activated" audio system as standard, but reversing senses were an expensive optional extra, as was the essential centre console armrest which is really needed on long drives.

It also had rear drum brakes. The only car in this mid car hatchback range which does ASAIK.

Come on Ford, you're offering "novelty" technology over and above useful and safe technology to bait customers with the "wow isn't that cool" syndrome. Wait till my mates see this.

End of rant. :)

Hahaha I don't wanna see that!

Before I got my latest car, I looked at a Ford Focus

While Ford makes many cars with good looking exteriors I'd never buy one due to my total disgust with their interiors. In particular two years ago I sat in a brand new 2011 Ford Focus (it was the "one Ford" world version that everyone gets now, the U.S. used to get the complete utter p.o.s. penalty box version) and the goofy looking dash design was an instant turn off.

my pet hate is the stupid "you haven't got your seat belt on" warning buzzer that is appearing in almost every car now days.

you get out to open the gate and leave the seat belt off because you know there are other gates to open and shut between the main gate and the house and all the time the stupid buzzer goes off because you are driving without a seat belt.

that's usually the first wire that gets cut. (yeah - beep now ya bugger) :P

but I do love the "hey stupid, you've left your lights on" klaxon. :D

One has to ask why the designers and integrators are stupid enough to make systems that allow this type access in the first place.

Yep. I heard a guy at an appliance store explaining that one of their clothes washing machines could be activated remotely.

Synced to your phone, if I remember right. When would one use that? :blink:

Yep. I heard a buy at an appliance store explaining that one of thier clothes washing machines could be activated remotely.

Synced to your phone, if I remember right. When would one use that? :blink:

On a day out with the wife after you tell her that you remembered to switch it on before leaving,

and then you realise you failed and there could be consequences.

On a day out with the wife after you tell her that you remembered to switch it on before leaving,

and then you realise you failed and there could be consequences.

Yep. Hadn't thought of that. :D Worth the price.

I went back and edited that post, fixed typos.

Ever notice that no matter how many times you preview a post, you will not see the typos until several others have read it? :P

GPS is pretty neat isn't it.

Not only can they follow you round the web now, they can follow you down the street in the real world.

It's becoming a standard feature on a lot of things now I believe, and although in theory no one can follow you without your permission, since when has that been a hindrance to the people with the knowhow to do it.

Just a mini rant this time. :)

Problem is the masses are stupid and don't know about this stuff. And the ones that do, don't care about it..

GPS is pretty neat isn't it.

I'll never needed it, I can't get lost since I'm always lost anyways. :lol:

for us guys who are genetically evolved not to ask directions, I LOVE my GPS.

and that is despite the fact it tries to trick me every now and then with questionable routes - but that's just a little game we play.

(always reminds me of "HAL, open the pod bay doors.", "Sorry Dave, I can not do that.")

When I know a short cut home and the GPS woman keeps on telling me to take the first available opportunity to turn around and take the route she knows,

I think to my self

"Why do I need you when I already have a wife"

I tell the wife if she don't be be-a-having then I'm going out with Betsy. Waving the GPS in front of her and saying she knows all the hotspots!