hi set up will not take hold
i get this message
c:\ program files\ c leaner\c cleaner.exe
set up does not finish,
tryed to un-install old and install new but wont let me...
dont even see C Cleaner in add and remove...:-(
Welcome to Piriform patches.
hi set up will not take hold
i get this message
c:\ program files\ c leaner\c cleaner.exe
set up does not finish,
tryed to un-install old and install new but wont let me...
dont even see C Cleaner in add and remove...:-(
It would be nice to know your system. Which operating system with service pack number. Which browser(s) you are using.
First of where did you download CCleaner from?
When you installed the default folder is C:\Program files\Cleaner\ did you specify another location?
All as CC puts on your drive is CCleaner.exe, unicows.dll, uninst.exe and the Lang sub folder by default. You could try uninst.exe to uninstall CC if you what too. So if you find the folder where yu have installed just delete the folder and reinstall. ![;)]()
Welcome to Piriform patches.
It would be nice to know your system. Which operating system with service pack number. Which browser(s) you are using.
First of where did you download CCleaner from?
When you installed the default folder is C:\Program files\Cleaner\ did you specify another location?
All as CC puts on your drive is CCleaner.exe, unicows.dll, uninst.exe and the Lang sub folder by default. You could try uninst.exe to uninstall CC if you what too. So if you find the folder where yu have installed just delete the folder and reinstall. ![;)]()
THANKS...im using XP PRO.. service pack 3 internet exploror 7 downloaded from piriform site. I will try to delete folder and reinstall
thanks.ill post back...