I used Defraggler chkdsk option and said yes to run on restart and now I can't stop it from running each time I start my PC.When it starts and gives me 10 seconds to cancel chkdsk by pressing any key it still runs chkdsk no matter what key I press.I am lost as to how to stop it from running each time I start my pc.I am running Windows XP. Any help would be most appreciated.
Download Autoruns for Windows (564 kB).
No installation needed. Run "autoruns.exe" (! that is not "autorunsc.exe").
Choose tab "Boot Execute".
The line with Image Path c:\windows\system32\autochk.exe must only have the Autorun Entry autocheck autochk *.
Erase the other mentions from that Entry.
You can do that by rightclicking that line and choose "Jump to...". Rightclick "BootExecute" and Edit.
Now the things that are more than autocheck autochk * on that same line you can erase.
Don't change the other lines (if there are any)!!!
Edit: From Microsoft -
Do not delete the default value, autocheck autochk *, from the value of BootExecute.
Caution: Do not make mistakes in the registry!!!
Edit: You can also run the program directly from the site without have to download it.
joey do you have defraggler installed still?
You could have a look at (in xp) start>all programs>accessories>system tools>scheduled tasks and see if either Chkdsk or Autochk is in the list of scheduled tasks. If it is, under folder tasks delete the option.
I used Defraggler chkdsk option and said yes to run on restart and now I can't stop it from running each time I start my PC.When it starts and gives me 10 seconds to cancel chkdsk by pressing any key it still runs chkdsk no matter what key I press.I am lost as to how to stop it from running each time I start my pc.I am running Windows XP. Any help would be most appreciated.
That worked,thanks so much!!!!!
You're most welcome joey.
Happy surfing