Can't restore startup/DOS filena~1 in the path

Hello. This is my first post.


What are you looking at?

(how'd you know I was looking at you if you weren't looking at me?)

Where were "we"?

I had an application in my start-up that had the following attributes according to CCleaner:

Enabled (?): Yes

Key (?): Startup common

Program (?): blank\n/a

File (?): C:\PROGRA~1\Application Installation Folder\Application Installation Sub-Folder\Application.exe

Action That Enabled The Potential Discovery Of The Bug:

I disabled the startup object.

Action That Enabled The Actual Discovery Of The Bug:

I tried to enable the startup object.

Description of bug discovery:



Application.exe is alive and kicking @:

C:\Program Files\Application Installation Folder\Application Installation Sub-Folder\

Theoretical Workaround:

Change: "C:\PROGRA~1\"


Application of Workaround:

Impossible. No matter how much I doubleclick on the startup application path in CCleaner, it doesn't open the

-=E D I T_ _W I N D O W=-


How come it could disable the object if path was invalid, but not enable it?


CC leans less towards speaking DOS than what is appropriate.

Disclaimer: I am correct in my observations and in the judgement I've made regarding this bug. If I should've made a mistake either in judgement or observation, please refer to the previous sentance.

EDIT: V. 2.16.830 WINXPSP2 32